Episode 1 Part 3= Truthbooth

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All of the house mates have just finished voting and we're awaiting the return of the daters 

Roman-VC:Now that Seth is outta the house I can finally pursue something with Y/N without having any distractions what so ever 

"So who are you picking for the match up ceremony tomorrow? "Y/N asked Roman 

"I don'tknow, is there anyone in particular you want me to pick? "Roman asked smirking 

"Hmm you could pick Brie or Carmella "Y/N said in a teasing tone making Roman chuckle

"But I don't want them "Roman said

 "Then who do you want Mr Reigns? "Y/N said

 "Well I won't tell you her name but I'll give you a few hints, she's got H/C hair, beautiful E/C eyes and a smile that could stop traffic "Roman said making Y/N blush

 "Well who ever this lucky girl is I'm sure she's flattered "Y/N said 

"Well hope so because I'm thinking of picking her for the match up ceremony but I don't know if she's cool with that "Roman said making Y/N giggle 

"Oh I'm sure she will be more than cool with it "Y/N said

 "Good because I really like her"Roman said holding her hand

 "You do mean me right? "Y/N asked "Duh of course "Roman said "Okay just checking "Y/N said as the smiled at each other 

*Y/N-VC:Am I blushing because I feel like I'm blushing *


*Brie-VC :I'm really interested in talking to Daniel but I'm never the one to make the first move guys always come to me so I'm a little bit out of my comfort zone but I can at least try *

"Hey "Brie said sitting next to Daniel on the sofa

 "Hello there "Daniel with a warm smile

 "I don't believe we've met ,I'm Brie "Brie said

 "I'm Denial "Denial said

 "I don't think we've ever talkedbefore this I always like watch you from afar..."Brie said making Daniel raise an eyebrow 

"N-No I didn't mean like a creepy stalker way or anything "Brie said making Daniel chuckle 

"I'm so lame "Brie whispers to herself making Daniel chuckle 

"No I think it's cute "Daniel said

 "Really "Brie asked 

"Yeah in a creepy stalker kinda way "Denial said

 "Yeah I'm really bad at this "Brie said 

"I can tell but we all are ,some more than others "Denial said making Brie giggle

 "Listen I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I like you "Brie said making Daniel wide eyed

 "You like me? "Denial asked making Brie nod

 "Why? "Denial asked

 "Well I don't know probably because your cute "Brie said making Daniel chuckle 

"Well I'm gonna say I'm surprised because I didn't think girls as beautiful as you go for guys like me "Denial said making Brie blush 

"What are you talking about? You maybe the most handsome guy here "Brie said making Daniel red 

"Well thank you butsometimes I don't really know my own self worth "Denial said

 "Well hang with me long enough and I'll show you "Brie said smirking

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