Neko Neko Week

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Hewo, I changed the names because it was confusing lmao :P
Sami Sugawara = #8 best friend/Setter
Katie (jane) Kirishima = #1 Captain/best friend


"Girls come on! Run faster or else we'll be late for work!" Katie said.

"Geez Jane chill, it's 5 minutes to get there, we still have 15 minutes" Sami said.

"Y/N get off your damn phone now!"

"Achoo!" I sniffled and wiped my nose with my sleeve. "I think I'm sick guys"

"See! It's all because off that damn phone!" Katie said while pointing at my phone.

I sweatdropped.

"Uh Huh, sure..I guess?" I answered while opening the door to the cafe.
We may be in high school and first years, except for Katie, but I needed money to live.
I made my way to the back in the changing rooms to change into my uniform.
My parents are abroad, meaning I live by myself, but they send me enough money every month, but me being me spent all the money in a week buying clothes, shoes, accessories and food.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I got enough of those stuff but the more the merrier right?

As I zipped up the zipper of my uniform I checked myself in the mirror and tied my hair in a high pony tail.
I sighed, there's nothing wrong with anything or life or something but...every month we do a "Neko Neko Week" and we have to wear cat ears and tail with our uniform. It's not that I don't like it, it's just...well....kinky. Ya know..? Since the ears and tails also has golden bells attached to it, plus I have a choker on. And I have these thigh high cat socks and we have to talk in a cat accent.T~T

( I was eager to make Y/N a cat lmao, but then I noticed it's Osamu :P but I might write another story, but it's a Chuuya Nakahara, because I just watched Bungou stray dogs again and I'm just obsessed with him again, okay baiiii)

( I was eager to make Y/N a cat lmao, but then I noticed it's Osamu :P but I might write another story, but it's a Chuuya Nakahara, because I just watched Bungou stray dogs again and I'm just obsessed with him again, okay baiiii)

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My mom used to scold me saying "Why do you keep buying clothes when you have a uniform for school? It's not like you're going to use them" or "Why do you keep buying sling bags when your books doesn't even fit!?"
I mean...I like it so....

"Y/N are you done yet? We need help, the place is packed!" Lucilfer (chrollo ✋😳)called out to me.

"Yes I'm coming!" I answered back
( I'm cuming~ :>)

I put my clothes in the locker and made my way out.

"Ooh woah he ain't lying when he said the place is packed" I exclaimed in amazement. It's usually full and on these "weeks" it's packed but not this packed.

"Y/N please attend to the guest's needs at table 102"

"Nya~ Okay Master~" I "nya'd and went to table 102.

"Hello Master and Mistress, welcome to Deathbucks Café (the creativity and originality I know) may I take your order?" After I took their order, I gave them to the Master a.k.a my boss and went to serve table #711. (The numbers are just random, it doesn't mean there's 711 tables xd)

As I made my way there I noticed it was a group of boys, not to mention hot and cute boys. I tend to be a show off when it comes to cute and hot boys, but I'm not looking for a relationship, because I want to concentrate on studies.

"Hello Masters welcome to Deathbucks Café, May I take your or...der" I trailed off as I stared at a certain silver haired boy.

"Hey, you're that chick from yesterday" he bluntly said.
"Oi 'Samu she's the one you told me about last night when you came home!?" A blonde version of this "'Samu" exclaimed, loudly to be exact, that everyone glanced out way but just ignored us since they're busy eating.

I started zoning out as I remembered the stuff that occurred yesterday evening.

"You know, you shouldn't really just go and bite on other people's food right kitten?"
He whispered into my ear, pinning me to the wall with one arm around my waist and the other next to my head.

"Oi" I heard the blonde say and it startled me and I started blushing bright red. And accidentally blurred out:

"Fuck you're hot"

I covered my mouth in embarrassment as the boys all stared at me with wide eyes and one by one bursted out laughing.

"Shit sorry- fuck uhm- holy Shit bye" I stumbled upon my words and ran to the counter but not before hearing a small "lame" from the silver haired boy.


Osamu's POV

'Heh...adorable' I thought as I remembered her flustered face.

"Ooh~ 'Samu's got a crush~"

"Shut yer trap sewage water"


Watch it, trust me it's worth it
If you don't trust me then tHrUSt mE
Okay lmao jk

But it's worth it I'm tellin ya

You won't know it's worth if ya don't watch it

I suggest you watch it now

If you're still reading this it means either you finished watching it or you didn't watch it at all

And for those who didn't read this....then y'all losers lmao jk I love you guys even if y'all are strangers and don't/do read these author note or smt

Mkay bai till the next chap



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