Okami Academy

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Y/N's PoV

Monday 08:40

'Huh..what happened..' i thought as i shivered. I felt something on me...it was so warm..

I dismissed the thought I I started stretching my body. 'Good thing I changed before falling asleep'

"Y/N! C'mere! It's time to introduce yourselves!" yelled Miss Boris, our Coach.

"Yes ma'am" I responded.

I made my way to my team, who were lined up in a straight line. I went next to #8, Sami Sugawara.

Our captain, Jane Kirishima, started to introduce herself. I got bored and stared at the floor, when I felt a nudge on my side, signaling it was my turn.

I crossed my arms, stood straight with my right leg in front of my left, that is slightly tilted to the right, looked down and sighed. "The name's L/N Y/N, middle blocker" I told them in a monotone voice.


I whipped my head up, catching the attention of both teams. as my eyes search for the person who said it.

It landed on Inarizaki's coach.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but he simply stared at me.

"Haha, she just doesn't like getting called that outside the court" Sami said while slinging her arm around my shoulders. He nodded questioningly.

As our last member introduced herself.
I took one step forward and looked up "..and we are Okami Academy, don't forget it boys" I said smirking with a dangerous glint in my eyes, staring straight at their #1 Kita Shinsuke.

He returned the look, but more intensely that makes a shiver go down my spine, and replied "Nice to meet you, we are Inarizaki High. Call me Shinsuke" he cockily said while taking a step forward, so that he was mere inches away from me.

Kita's PoV

L/N replied by taking another step forward, our shoes touching, I smirked. She extended her hand out to me. "Then you can call me Y/N, Shinsuke kun"


As he shook my hand, he suddenly pulled me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Kita's PoV

The look on her face was priceless, almost adorable. Everyone's eyes were on us now. I pulled her closer to my chest.

"It only takes a fox to recognize tricks and traps" I whispered in her ear.

She chuckled slightly and said "Well too bad, cuz' a Wolf doesn't concern theirselves with the opinions of mere sheeps"

I sighed and glared at her "A sly fox is more dangerous than a hungry wolf"

She was silent. I finally let her go, not before noticing her flushed cheeks.
"I hope we can get closer these next few weeks" I said smiling.

"Y-ye-yeah..." She stuttered out.

"Cute" I said teasing her more.

She blushed bright red

"E-eh??? Oh my gosh" she said while covering her face with her hands.

'I guess it's enough teasing for today'
I thought, looking at the poor red-faced girl in front of me.

I chuckled slightly and went to the court, leaving her a blushing mess.


'OH MY GOSH' i screamed in my head, as I crouched down while covering my face.

"Y/N Chan!! We have to do serves, it's your turn now!" I heard one of my teammates yell.


I stood up and ran to the end of the court, taking a few steps back. I held the ball with both hands and looked at the spot I want it to land.

'At the right end corner'

I threw the ball high up, then I first took two small steps, then one big one and jumped and served the ball to the targeted place.

"Woo!! Nice serve!"

"Nice Kill!!"


I giggled as I picked up the ball, but then I felt something- no more like someone staring at me.

I blushed bright red.

'Not him' I whined in my head, as I tried to casually walk back to my team, trying to ignore his stare.

"Kage Chan!!!" I heard an unfamiliar voice call out to me. Glad it wasn't the the two toned boy, but a blonde one with an undercut.

"That was so cool!" He exclaimed, dragging the "so" out. "Haha, thanks" i replied scratching my head, not used to direct compliments.

How long did you learn it? How do you do it? Who taught you?-" before he could finish, a ball was served to his head.

"Oi sewage water, shut it"

"'Samu!" He yelled at 'samu', the grey haired one, similar to the Blondie.

"Lame" he said in an unamused tone, while walking away.

'Sewage water' growled. "'Samu, can be a pain in the ass 'stimes" he said while sighing and scratching his head.

"..Oh..oh yeah, the name's Miya Atsumu, yer can call me Atsumu" he said winking.

I returned the wink "you can call me
Y/N" and smiled.

"Okay Y/N Chan!" He said enthusiastically, making me chuckle.

"Hey, can you set some balls for me?" I asked.

"Sure, what kind of ball-" he halted as I smacked his shoulder.

"Not THAT ball, perv" i sighed and muttered "no wonder you're sewage water"

"Oi! I heard that"

I smiled innocently at him.

"C'mon pup' lets go"

"Hey! I'm not a pup!" I poured.

"Awww the cute lil' pup' is pouting! How cute!" He said while pinching my cheeks.

We started arguing, oblivious to the jealous stares of a silver and grey haired foxes.


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