A/N and Prologue

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Hello this is my very first wattpad story so I hope you all can enjoy it and please leave comments with feedback. I have tough skin so I can appreciate constructive criticism. Thank you for taking the time to read this I now present to you The Orphan.


"Ok mom  I heard you I'm on my way." I sigh rubbing my temples, why can't my parents just let me go out like a normal teenager for just once. "You need me to take you home?" my best friend Akira asks. "Nah they can wait a few minuets I haven't even had my first shot yet". 

Tonight was one of the popular kids birthday but I can't seem to remember their name, must not be important. Anyways my best friend Akira got invited and wanted to bring me and how could I turn down a good party? Yes I know my parents told me to come straight home but nothing ever happens in this town so why do they constantly worry so much?

Akira and I make our way up the porch to the house were most of drunkards are passed out or making out with their one night fling. " You know your parents are gonna beat your ass for not listening?" says Kira and I roll my eyes at the statement. "Well I might as well be drunk when they do". As soon as we walk in the house music, beer, and weed cloud my sense and I inhale deeply. "Ahhh this is what I live for!". My friend Dominic comes and hands me a shot which I gratefully take. "Thanks Dom your the best! Now go get Kira a drink so she can loosen up." Kira rolls her eyes at me. " You should be glad I'm looking out for you majority of the people our age wouldn't give a fuck", "Yes yes Kira and I love you for it can we have some fun now please!". "Fine" she says while taking one to the head.

Two hours go by before I stumble in the bathroom to pee. I check my phone which shows that I have 20 miss calls and 60 text messages. " Oh shit!". I run out the bathroom quickly  sobering up due to the fear coursing through my veins. "Kira we gotta go now how sober are you?", "I can drive" she says and we hall ass to her jeep and she drives me straight home. I'm shaking my leg in fear until Kira soundly slams on her breaks. "What the fuck!" I yell now even more scared. When I look up I see a grey-brown wolf in the middle of street looking directly at us. It howls to the moon as if in pain and then runs straight into the forest. " Are you ok?" Kira asks clearly shaken by the sudden animal in the road. " Yea Kira I'm good just get me home please", "You know this wouldn't be happening if you just listen to me". I ignored her, I know she's right but I'm not in the mood it admit that right now.

We pull up to my home and I admittedly run to the front door but then I stop. The front door... is missing. I start running again now panicked but for a different reason and then I step inside and my world changed forever. 

The OrphanWhere stories live. Discover now