1. New Start

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I take a deep breath breathing in the freshly mopped floors that smelled like Pine-Sol. The smell reminds me of... home but I push the thought aside not wanting to relive the moments. I continue to stare at the floors not wanting to except my new reality.

"Ms. Owens... Ms. Owens!". My head shoots up to the voice calling my name, I give an irritated sigh when I realize the culprit that disturbed my thoughts. "I'm sorry Mrs. Allen" I say not really sincerely. I just don't understand why I can't live on my own so what if I'm 17, I'll be 18 soon so all of this is pointless. "Did you hear anything I said Rayne.. I know this is difficult but you have to look at the bright side", she gave me a tight lip smile like her words were supposed to melt all my troubles away.

 You're probably wondering where I am right now and let me tell you it isn't home. When I returned home from the party I found my parents malled to death. The police said it was wolves which makes complete sense but there's just something telling me there's more to it. Since both my parents died and none of my aunts or uncles were willing to take me I was stuck being put into foster care. Mrs. Aniya Owens quickly took me, you'd think I'd be grateful but she's an hour away from my home town. Not only that but her mansion is deep in the woods about 20 minutes from the nearest city.

"Can you just show me to my room please I'm tired and I want to rest". Yeah I could've been nicer but I wasn't in the mood for pleasantries. "Sure" she said, " I'll have one of the kids show you to your room, maybe you'll make some friends" she said with a big smile. 

"Jason" she half yelled half sang, "Can you show Rayne to her new room and introduce her to the other kids". "No problem" said the so called Jason, he was tall, probably 6'1 , with dark brown hair and brown eyes with light freckles that scattered his nose. I had to admit he was kind of cute but I'm not interested in making friends I just want to age out of the system as soon as possible and live my life how I want to.

Jason grabs my duffle bags and motions for me to follow him. We go up a flight of stairs and we stop at the first door to our left. "So this is your room" Jason says while opening the door, " The old owner left some stuff here but you can change It out if you want". I look around the room, it's not huge but it is bigger than my old room... my old room how I miss that place, how I wish I never took it for granted. " Well she clearly had a love for purple" I say looking at the purple curtains and purple comforter and a purple rug that was neatly placed in front of the bed. "

Yeah she said the color calmed her nerves... clearly not enough". He said in daze not really saying the last part to me but himself. " What do you mean by that?" I ask not really that interested but slightly curious. " Uh nothing don't worry about it, so I know Mrs. Allen suggested I should introduce you to everyone but I figured you'd want to settle in first" he said backing out the door " If you wanna hang all of us will be in the backyard at 8", " Ok" I say waving goodbye at him. He steps out and slowly closes the door, as soon as he leaves I deeply sigh and rub my temples.

I'm not good with adjusting to new environments so all of this is stressing me the hell out. I unpack my bag folding up clothes and stuffing them in drawers. Luckily everyone gets their own bathroom since this house was made to hold multiple people at a time, and our foster mother is rich as hell. I check my phone for the time and its 7:40pm, I go and take a shower just incase I do decide to join the others.

 I step out of the shower drying myself off and applying my favorite lotion. I decide I'd much rather chill in my pjs and call Kira to let her know that I'm alright. 20 minuets into the much needed convo with my best friend hard knocks come at my door. "I gotta go Kira I'll call you later. Love you". I open the door wondering why I'm being bother and I see Jason looking at me like I stole his favorite toy. "Yes?" I say obviously confused by the unwanted visitor. " Why aren't you outside with us? Don't you want to get to know everyone in the house?". 

Not going to lie he kind of made me feel bad but I wasn't going to tell him that. "No" I say blankly " I'd much rather watch Netflix alone if I'm being honest". "Well I appreciate the honesty but I don't care this isn't an option" before I could say a word he grabs me by the knees and I'm hanging off his shoulders. Did I fail to mention I'm 4"11, well I am, so me being picked up was a big pet peeve of mine. "Can you put me down!" I yell hitting his back but it clearly had no affect to him. " No" he said bluntly and when I realized he really wasn't going to put me down I gave up.

The OrphanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora