2. She's the one

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A/n: The photo above is how I imagine Jason! What do you think?🤔


Welp.... here I am sitting outside ....in my pjs.... surrounded by strangers. Isn't this just the best? They all seem pretty nice but my social bar is at an all time low right now.

"Ok Rayne let me introduce you to everyone"

"That right there is Davion, my best friend " he points to a tall brown skin guy with a nice smile. He waves at me and I wave back not wanting to seem rude.

"Then Raven the witch of the group" Raven is across from me, her skin is deathly pale which makes her nose and brow piercing stand out. She has long jet black hair and it's pretty obvious her favorite color is black guessing by her attire. She doesn't bother to speak to me all she does is glare. I can see I won't be getting along with her....bitch.

"Then Lola the baby of the group", Lola seems sweet she's tall brown skin girl and clearly loves the girly aesthetic.

"Jason I told you to stop calling me that" she huffs out angrily. " It's nice to meet you Rayne I can't wait to get to know you!" She says eagerly.

"Same" I say giving her a weak smile and nod. She's got a lot of energy, I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up.

"And then last but not least, Tyler the brains in the sea full of idiots".
I glance at Tyler but he seems to be too preoccupied with his marshmallow to notice. When he realized we were staring at him his face looked about as red as the shirt he wore. He said something along the lines of hi but I'm not to sure since he whispered it.

"Don't worry about him he's a little anti" Jason whispers in my ear "He'll warm up to you soon".

I nod in understanding and say hi to everyone. " So Rayne what brings you here?" Davion asks with his faced stuffed with a s'more. "Davion!" Lola yells "This is foster care not a night club you just can't ask someone that!".

"My parents were killed" I say blankly staring at the fire. I can feel my eyes start to sting with tears threatening to spill over. Uncomfortable silence washes over us which pisses me off. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid, why couldn't I just stay in my bed for the night.

"Hey hey it's ok Rayne you don't have to talk about it" Jason says squeezing my shoulder.

"Here eat this I made it with love". He hands me a s'more with chocolate running down the sides.

" Thanks" I take it debating if I should really eat it since he had his hands all over it.

"I'm clean I promise", "Just take a bit" Jason says sensing my hesitation.

I do as he says and my eyes practically pop out my head. "Good isn't it", "I'll make you anything you want just ask" he says grinning ear to ear.

"Jason stop flirting with her she just got here" Lola says punching his arm. They both laugh and start talking about something but I'm to focused on my s'more to care.

The rest of the night went smoothly I didn't talk much but Lola, Davion, and Jason made up for it. Honestly  those three sure know how to hold a conversation it's like they're scared of silence or something.

I go back to my room and take another shower because I hate, with a capitol H, smelling like outdoors. Once I throughly scrubbed away the outdoors and moisturized my body, I slap my bonnet on and go to sleep.


Jasons POV

"So what do you guys think?"

"She seems nice but why is she so shyyyyy?" Lola says with a pout.

"Not everyone likes to run their mouth all day Lola" Raven says rolling her eyes. " And if you ask me she don't seem like all that".

"Well I think she's cool. She look real good too" Davion says licking his lips and rubbing his hands.

"Back off" I growl. "She's my mate so keep your filthy hands away from her!"

"Whoa man chill I didn't know" Davion laughs like this is the funniest thing in the world.

"Well by studying her I think she'd make a good asset to the pack" Tyler says typing God knows what into his computer. "But we still need to get to know her better one night isn't enough".

"Yeah she got a good asset alright". Davion tries to whisper but everyone clearly heard him.

"Davion say another word and your head is going through that wall" I growl louder this time.

"Ok that's enough male testosterone for one night I'm going to bed" Lola says skipping towards her room.

"She is too damn big to be doing all that skipping" Davion mumbles under his breath. " But she's right lets call it a night." Everyone gets up and heads to their room.

"Wait Raven I got a favor to ask" She stops and folds her arms looking rather bored.

"What" She says clearly annoyed. "Do you think you can do some of your witchy woo and find out what type of person Rayne is?"


"Uhhhh ok why not". Now I'm the one annoyed. "Because Jason I'm not your pocket half witch. Besides doing magic is what got me stuck here in the first place."

"Nooo Raven what got you stuck her was practicing dark magic and besides it's a privilege to be apart of the recruitment"

"Well I don't see the privilege so go do what everyone else does and get to know her yourself". And with that she left.

"Damn she knows how to be a bitch" I mumble.

I plop back down on my seat outside looking at the moon. I can't help but think of my parents and my eyes burn at the thought. "I finally found her guys. But I don't know what to do"

"My wolf wants to mark her but I know better than to rush it". My wolf Xavier has less patience than me and that's saying something. "At least I won't be alone anymore mom and dad so you guys don't have to worry".

She's the one. She has to be.


Alright 2nd chapter pleassseeee comment and vote or don't I can't tell you how to live ya life.

But I'd appreciate it 🥺

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