3. Let's be friends

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A/n: This is how I imagine Lola 🤗



If I don't move they will simply go away.


"Ughhhh why can't a girl get some sleep!" I grab my phone checking for the time. 6:00 am Monday, June 1 2020 blare into my eyes due to the bright light my phone was giving.

"Rayne wake up!" Lola yells behind the door. I turn my phone off and cover myself with my sheets. "No!" I yell "Go away its summertime and I like sleep".

"Ok I'm coming in!" Lola yells once again while opening my door. Was I speaking a different language or something? Lola strolls right into my room and plops on my bed. "Come on Rayne we're all about to go for a run I wanted to see if you wanted to join" she says shaking my shoulders. Who the hell goes running so early?

"Lola its 6 o'clock in the morning what makes you think I want to exercise?" I say agitation laced with every word. "Fine don't come but you, Raven and I are going shopping for some girl bonding!" she says clapping her hands like she's five.

"Ok ok that's great Lola can I go back to sleep now" I mumble turning my back to her. She gets up leaving my room saying something about leaving after breakfast but I wasn't really listening.


The smell of food successfully wakes me from my much needed sleep. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep since it isn't my bed but for some reason I actually feel.... safe. I grab my phone checking the time to see it's 10am. I decide to call Akira while I get ready since our conversation got cut short last night.

"Rayyynneee! I miss you already when are you going to visit!" Kira screams in my ear as I step into the bathroom. "It's been one day Kira and I don't know I'm still trying to get used to this place" I say honestly.

"Ok well tell me everything. What are the other kids like?". I tell Kira about Jason and the other foster kids as I brush my teeth and wash the sleep out of my eyes. Looking at my hair I decide to do a slick puff, something cute and simple. I step out the bathroom and change into a PINK shirt with jean shorts as I listen to Kira rant about how awful Legacies is.

"Yes yes Kira I feel your pain I miss Klaus too but I gotta go I smell food and my stomach is about to eat its self". I groan as my stomach rumbles in agreement. "Ok bye Rayne Love you! Be Safe!" Kira says like the mom friend she is. "Love you too Kira bye" and with that I leave my room and follow the sweet aroma of food.

"Look who finally decide to wake up" Mrs.Allen says looking up from her computer with a big grin. I look around the dinning area, the theme colors are cream and brown with a giant wooden table in the middle with eight chairs circling it. "Hey Mrs. Allen" I say looking at all the food displayed on the table. I take a seat not wanting to start grabbing food since I'm the new girl and the others weren't seated.

"Well don't just sit there and stare at the food Rayne drop" Davion says drinking what looks to be a protein shake. I laugh nervously clearly uncomfortable and start putting food on my plate. "Where is everyone?" I ask, not that I'm really all that upset though I don't like people watching me eat.

"They already ate and are off doin they own thing. You my dear are late" Davion says swishing his protein shake around. "Why are you drinking a protein shake when there's real food right in front of you?" I ask quizzically while pouring syrup on my pancakes.

"You think someone can get a body like this stuffing themselves with sugar and carbs?" he said exaggerating his muscular arm. "But weren't you just stuffing your face with s'mores last night?" I ask skeptically. "It was cheat day" he shrugs going back to his unappealing shake.

I take a bite of my pancakes and then the sausage and eggs. I haven't had a food this good in a long time which makes me unconsciously eat ten times faster.

"Whoa slow down their speedy Gonzales the food isn't going anywhere I promise" says none other than Jason with a grin on his stupid freckled face. Nothing annoys me more than someone commenting on me eating.

I give him the stank eye and continue on with my food but at a much slower pace. "I'm just teasing puff ball calm down. I'm glad you like it I did say I'd make you whatever you want" Jason says pulling a seat closer to me staring me down.

Did he really just call me puff ball? This kid is another type of annoying but I had to admit he sure can cook. "Thanks", is all I say finishing up the last of my food. As I get up to put my plate away Jason takes it quickly. "Don't worry about puff ball I got it." He says clearing more dishes. "Besides Lola is waiting on you. Something about girls day?".

I internally groan I completely forgot about the supposed shopping trip Lola wanted to take me on. I do need some new stuff though so I decide to meet Lola in her room to let her know I'm ready.


The city was about 20 minuets from where we lived which isn't horrible but I'm not used to having to drive so far just to shop. We get into the car, Raven in the drivers seat, Lola in the passenger seat and me in the back.

Lola syncs her phone to the car and starts playing "Baby Sitter" by Dababy. "I never took you for someone that liked rap music?" I say to Lola a little surprised. "Well there's a lot you don't know about me Rayne" Lola says a little more cryptic than I then I think she realized.

"But I want us to be close ok, all three of us!" Lola says looking between Raven and I. "Sure" I say shrugging my shoulders, "I don't see why not". "I'll try my best" Raven says rather dryly. Did this bitch have a problem with me or something?

"Um this is pretty embarrassing but I don't really have any money" I say sheepishly. "Oh don't worry about it Mrs. Allen is paying" Lola says waving me off. We arrive at the mall and Lola makes us go into damn near every store they had to offer. Luckily Raven and I manage to convince her to end our excursion. That was the first time we actually seemed to be on one page.

Lola and Raven switched seats and this time Raven was in control of the music. "Don't play anything depressing" Lola says backing out of the parking space. "Yeah yeah whatever" Raven says choosing a song. "Teacher's Pet" by Melanie Martinez fills the car.

"Ohhh I love this song" I say singing along to the lyrics. "Really?" Raven asks with a raised brow. "Yes!" I say "This is my favorite song from her K-12 album". "Mines too Lola says rocking her head back and forth.

The rest of the ride home we were screaming at the top of our lungs every single Melanie Martinez song that came on. I couldn't help but feel closer to them maybe Lola knew what she was doing with this whole girl bonding thing.

"You know Raven when I got here I thought you hated me" I say as we pull into the drive way. "No I don't hate you... it just takes me a while to warm up to people" she says grabbing her bags. "But I had good visions of you so we have nothing to worry about". She then closes the door and heads to the house with Lola in toe.


I leave my bathroom with hot steam following behind and I jump in my bed. I look at my clock seeing that its 7pm. Wow we quite literally spent the whole day shopping. I go to Netflix ready to binge my favorite show but I can't seem to get what Raven said out of my head. What on Earth does she mean by she had "good visions" of me?


Seems like Raven is loosing up to Rayne while Davion and Jason are trying out some new nicknames.

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