[3] these kids aren't alright

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GROWING UP, SILVER HAD ALWAYS FELT LIKE AN outsider, even in her own family. It started when Fallon and Juno were old enough to learn how to fish, Silver was beyond excited to follow in her father's footsteps and learn how to be a fisherman.

That was until she was told instead spending her time out in the ocean fishing, she would be learning how to prepare the seafood they brought back just like her mother.

It struck a nerve in Silver and she recalled how furious she felt the day she was told that. She stormed away from the house, slamming the door hard behind her and ran toward their old run down shed that hung just off the edge of a sand dune on the beach.

Silver sat there and cried until all the rage pent up inside her suddenly burst out, she grabbed the closest thing in her vicinity, a sharp silver knife and thrust it hard at the wooden door. The knife collided with the door so hard that it pierced right through it, to Silver's surprise.

She had no idea she was even capable of that but it sparked an interest in knives that followed throughout her entire childhood. Every morning, at the crack of dawn Silver sneaked out of the house and headed for the shed, where she began to use the knives to throw them at a makeshift target she made.

Within a couple months, her targets went from a wall to the fish she hunted early in the morning before anyone else was up. She would bring in at least a dozen fish by the time it was time for breakfast, much to the confusion of everyone else in her family.

It wasn't until a year later, that her father figured out she was using throwing knives to catch fish. He was surprised at this revelation, but he also couldn't be more proud of her.

By the time she was fifteen, Silver was catching more fish with her knives in the span of three hours then her brothers were with regular fishing rods in an entire day.

Silver's knife throwing skills were mainly for the purpose of fishing, if she knew where she'd be now, she would have certainly tried to improve them for the sake of survival, which meant killing people.

Nothing made sense in Silver's mind, not anymore. She couldn't fully wrap her head around what was happening, she wasn't able to focus clearly on anything, not even when Effie Trinket spent the entire way to the hover train gushing about how much they would adore the Capitol.

Reese was clinging onto Silver the whole time, he refused to release his grip on her. His blushing face buried into her side when they were bombarded with cameras and crowds of people waving them goodbye at the station.

The train was filled entirely with luxurious things varying from designer furniture to diamond chandeliers. Silver thought she'd never see the day where she'd be able to have things like this.

Sure, she was fairly wealthy, her family had just enough money to keep them balanced. It was good enough for Silver but she still liked to imagine if she had more then she needed.

As her eyes scanned the train, she noticed that one person was still absent from the scene. "Where's Finnick?" Silver's eyes flickered over to Effie. "Oh, he's here! You'll see him soon, in the mean time, get comfortable!" She told her with a wide smile.

Silver had to refrain from letting out a dry laugh. Right, get comfortable before you meet a terrible and painful death. The train soon departed from District Four and they were off on their way to the Capitol.

The train was even bigger then Silver pictured it, her and Reese were directed to a narrow corridor that lead to their own bedrooms, complete with a fancy, luxury bathrooms.

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