Chapter 1

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"A little to the left," announced Tuffnut. "No, your other left. Now more towards the right. Now another little to the left. Now left a little more-" He and Ruffnut burst into a fit of giggles before Tuff could continue.
"Oh for the love of Thor!" Exclaimed Hiccup, almost dropping his end of the banner completely. "Fishlegs, is this centred?"
"Actually, Hiccup, the twins were right. A little more to the left. There." Hiccup held the banner in place, and grabbed the jar of sticky worm saliva he and the riders had collected previously that day, before throwing it to Astrid to hold up her end.
"I still don't understand why we are going through so much trouble," huffed Snotlout, angrily. "First, we wake up in the middle of the night. Then, we ambush a group of sleeping sticky worms, almost becoming their breakfast. Following that, we spend 3 hours decorating the village- it's only a couple of traders!"
Berk's annual trading festival, where all the traders for miles come to exchange their goodies with the Berkians. It has been around for decades, and had grown to become the biggest festival of the year.
"Just because my dad isn't chief, doesn't mean it's not a big deal, Snolout." Hiccup said as he climbed off of Toothless' back, pushing the Nightfury's head away as he goes to lick him.
"It's going to be great, son."
Son. That was something Hiccup still wasn't used to. Well, coming from a female voice, that is. Even after 6 months, he found it hard to acknowledge his mum being around- and his dad not so much.
"Valka!" Astrid said, breaking the awkward silence which was rapidly developing. "What have you been up to?"
"Well, Cloudjumper and I just finished our morning flight." At this point, the other dragons nudged their riders, as if to say that they should have had theirs. Well, all apart from Hookfang, who instead blasted Snotlout's bottom, setting it on fire, sending him running to the nearest water station, and the twins into yet more excessive laughter. "The place looks amazing," she then stated, turning back to her son, as if she hadn't noticed the problematic events taking place behind her. "Your father would be proud, Chief."
"Just Hiccup will do, thanks."
"Anyway," Snotlout said to his cousin, after returning from extinguishing his bottom in one of Sven's sheep's water troughs, obviously not acknowledging the awkward silence overcoming the vikings once more. "What if we end up in another Trader Johann situation? What if you fail at noticing someone who is trying to kill us all again." He laughed.
"We won't." Astrid said, before Hiccup had the chance to say a word. "We have already checked out every trader coming today- them and their backgrounds. Also, Snotlout, since your brain is apparently the size of a pea, you may not remember none of us noticed that Johann would turn out to be... whatever he was," she shivered. "And that includes you. Now, if you'll excuse me, Hiccup and I have some more decorating to do. Stormfly, Toothless, come."
After Astrid had left with the dragons, obviously please with herself, Hiccup took the initiative to follow Astrid away from the Great Hall, and towards the academy, leaving the twins, still giggling and making remarks about the 'bum on fire' situation, Snotlout, looking angry, muttering under his breath, arms folded across his chest, and Valka Fishlegs, looking rather amused by the entire encounter.
"I thought we were going to decorate some more?"
"Hiccup, where on the island isn't covered in banners, balloons and torches already?" Hiccup briefly tilted his head to the side as if to say 'true'. Astrid continued. "Anyway, Dragon Boy, I thought we could do something nice, just you and me. How about a race to Itchy Armpit."
"Do I even have a choice?" Hiccup said, knowing fine well he didn't.
"Not even a little one." Astrid laughed. She was definitely the most stubborn person Hiccup knew, excluding himself.
"Doesn't matter, I'd do anything for you, milady."
Just a they were about to take off, Hiccup leaned back in hesitation.
"What if someone needs me?" he said, the hesitant look remaining on his face. He began to fiddle with Toothless' tail fin, his prosthetic clicking against the pedal as he does so. "I'm the chief now. Maybe I can't just go 'goofing off' anymore. My dad never did."
"Hiccup," Astrid began, sighing as she remembered how many times she has had the exact conversation. "Before you start again, you are good enough! Don't forget that you are only 20. You need a social life too. Berk wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you, and you know that, just as well as anyone. So, you should cut yourself some slack and come have fun." She rounded off her motivational speech, waiting for Hiccup to protest once more.
"Valka was right you know." Astrid stated. "Stoick would be so proud of you."
With that, Hiccup turned to Astrid, smiled, and leaned in for a kiss, after realising that their dragons on which they were sitting had moved closer to one another.
"Thank you," he said. "For everything." Just before their lips touched, Hiccup began his flight, giving himself a 30 second head-start.
"Last one there needs to clean out Gobber's earwax!" Hiccup yelled, before zooming off further towards the horizon. Astrid smiled, pre take-off, admiring the boy, flying through the air as if he hadn't just had a breakdown.
"You are so on."
Astrid hesitated herself before take-off, giving herself time for one thought, which she quickly dismissed.
Was Snotlout right? No, she told herself. Everything will be fine. Nothing can go wrong now... can it?

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