Chapter 19

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"Hello Astrid," Drago sneered as he drew his sword. "Fancy seeing you here. Pity Hiccup isn't alive to save you."
"What do you mean?" Astrid questioned, worriedly, as she drew her own weapon; her axe, which's he always kept by her for times like this. "You stabbed him, yes, but he's still alive."
"You think with a wound like that, he is still alive? No. I sent my soldier, Mildew, to check on him, and he hasn't returned, following my orders to simply fight if he is dead, rather than return to me with the news."
"Save it. He's dead, and theirs nothing you can do about it."
With this new knowledge, rage overwhelmed Astrid's emotions of sadness, and she released the loudest most horrific battle cry ever to exist. The hunters contracted as they plugged their ears, but Drago didn't so much as flinch. Astrid threw her axe above her head, which was met perfectly by Drago's own weapon. The two fought for what seemed like hours, matching each other in an endless duel. Abruptly, Drago's men began to swarm around them, their own swords drawn. The Viking
spun around as she fought the guy who had killed her betrothed, whilst preparing herself for her own death. There was just too many men. She could never take them down on her own. Some hunters aimed a bow at her, as another two grabbed her from behind, lining it up perfectly so that the arrow would pierce her heart once fired. The machine was loaded, and Astrid squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the agony...
"Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi, Oi, Oi!" Snotlout yelled as he swooped down, Hookfang burning the wooden arrow-launcher to smithereens. Astrid had never in her life been so happy to see that annoying Viking. taking the opportunity, she elbowed the men holding her in their stomachs, winding hem, and she snatched her axe off the deck, bashing the heads of those who dared to come near. The other fleets of ships were rapidly burning, as Ruff, Tuff, Valka and Fishlegs dived to help her fight.
"Yeah! the twins bashed their heads together as they sent hunters screaming and leaping into the sea. Fishlegs and Valka attacked the Scauldrons, ending the riders flying and the dragons swimming to safety. Luckily, there ere no SnapTrappers in sight. not lost jumoed down on the boat, prepared to fight.
"You okay?" Snotlout yelled, returning to her side, axe drawn.
"Fine. Go help Valka,"
"What wh-" Snotlout stopped as he saw the woman being encircled by a new flock of SnapTrappers. He simply nodded, mounted his Monstrous Nightmare and flew to her side.The two then started battling like their lives depended on it, which they did.
Astrid turned back from the edge of the ship where she had been standing, and faced her opponents once more. She reapplied her game face, and ran charging into the midst.
For Hiccup, she thought.
"Aaaargg!!" She screamed as she ran forward. It was scarily similar to the one she had yelled when falling from the sky, yet this time filled with fury rather than fear.
The boats around them were flaming as they sunk into the ocean, but the men who had voluntarily jumped overboard, were now swimming towards the ship, and climbing up the side, raring to fight for their master. But Astrid had a bigger motive. She was ready to avenge the love of her life.
She bellowed once more as she swung her axe around, shaking hunters to the ground left, right and centre. the others were all busy doing their parts, so Astrid simply focused on the task ahead- get to Drago, and get rid of him for good.
Before she knew it, the last hunter was engulfed by unconsciousness, and she sashayed towards Drago, twirling her axe around her fingers. Then, she raised it, just as she had done a few moments before.
"You killed him. You killed him and now you will pay." Just as she released her grip, ready to slam he weapon down on his head, a hand grabbed her wrist.
"Let go!" She screamed at the villain, who smirked as her only defence clattered to the floor. Beginning to cache, Drago struck his sword across her arm, leaving a deep, bleeding gash, and she fell to the floor.
"Astrid!" Snotlout bellowed, catching the other riders' attention. They all finished up wth who thy were battling with in record time, and they surrounded the boat, dragons hovering in anticipation. But they couldn't fight. Not when Astrid was vulnerable like this.
"No. Now you will pay for threatening the true dragon master." Astrid's eyes met the blade which was being raised above her, and she squeezed her eyes shut, the same as she had did with the arrow Not long before.
But before it could touch her, a loud blast descended from the clouds above, making Drago stumble backwards, growling. The riders looked around at one another in shock. That wasn't just any blast. That was a plasma blast which could only mean...
Another purple ball of fire came hurtling down from the sky, and Astrid rolled out of the way in the nick of time. Drago wasn't so lucky. He was sent flying into the mast post behind them, out cold, as a familiar voice spoke:
"Leave her alone," Hiccup flew into view.

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