Chapter 9

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"Well Hiccup?" Snotlout asked, angrily, knowing fine well his cousin wasn't listening, despite the situation. "What's the plan?"
"I... I don't know,"
"What do you mean you don't know!" Snotlout was yelling now, much to the anger of the other riders, who watched Hiccup wince and cower with every word. "You're Hiccup! You are our leader! You always have a plan! Why don't you know? Huh, chief? Why, when everyone we love is in danger you go back to Hiccup the Useless." Hiccup was shaking now, a single tear rollin down his cheek.
"Snotlout, stop." Astrid said, trying to stay calm. Fury was roaring inside her, willing to be let out but she knew it would only make things worse.
"And seriously, 'da da da we're dead'? Is that all your simple brain could say when we are all probably going to die?! Yes, Hiccup, everyone is going to die because of you."
"Because you couldn't protect those who you swore to. Because you are a lousy chief. And now we are all going to die!" He threw hiss hands in the air and spat at his cousin. "Just like your father."
"SNOTLOUT FOR THORS SAKE SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I WILL DECAPITATE YOU MYSELF!" Astrid screamed at the boy before her. he one torturing her betrothed. She gripped her axe, pulled it from her back and threw it at him, just narrowly missing his head. Snotlout raged at her, ready to fight, but Hookfang held him back. She turned to face Hiccup, but then noticed he wasn't there. Frantically, she looked around as the others around her stared, continuing to register everything that ha just happened. After a minute of worrying, Astrid broke the silence, looking at the others who still were unresponsive.
"Hey guys?" They didn't answer. "Guys?" Nothing. "GUYS!" They looked at her, even Snotlout, who was still fuming. "Where's Hiccup?" The riders glanced around, before they, eyes-widened, looked at her, ear clouding their faces, Snotlout and Valka especially.
Hiccup is gone, again. It's her not son, the only family she has left. Valka was frantic looking for him, her brain urging her to jump off of Cloudjumper and search the ground. She couldn't lose him. Not again. She stayed in the air, watching the others do the same, apart from Snotlout, who sat on Hookfang, shaking and biting his nails. It's his fault, Valka thought. All his fault.
Snotlout knew this, hence the nail-biting and trembling. He had forced his cousin into a horrid mindset, and now he's lost, Thor knows where! Captured? Hiding? Injured? Battling? Dead? No matte how much he wanted to help, he couldn't snap himself out of it, even wen he felt a tear rolling down his cheek. The one person that could help them, save his Dad, his family, and all the Berkians, he, Snotlout, had either got him in hiding captured or dead. What kind of cousin was he? Hookfang looked up, sensing his dears distress, and grunted. He normally wasn't caring, but he knew what Snotlout was thinking he had done, and knew he needed to try and comfort him, so that they could help the others. Instead of that proffered scenario, Snotlout simply reached a hand out and pushed the dragon's head away as hard as he could, which was rather gentle due to the shaking, to be honest, before bursting into tears completely.
Valka watched the boy, but couldn't bring herself to comfort him. Not whilst Hiccup was missing. She copied, Astrid, Fishlegs and the twins in searching around them, skies and land, trying to find their leader enforce they went into battle. The destruction was vast now, with houses being destroyed left right and centre, the great hall in even more pieces, even though most of the Vikings thought that impossible. People were attempting to take cover, although failing as there was now not really anywhere to hide.
Astrid looked at the village she called home, and cried out for Hiccup. Whilst he was gone, They stood no chance in battle. Not in one this big. Not against Drago. She refused to believe that he was dead, so she continued to pace up and down the same area of sky, Stormfly whining every time they turned. Astrid knew she was finding this hard too.
"There!" Fishlegs broke everyone's train of thought as he screamed out and pointed over towards Drago. Hiccup was flying towards him. Hiccup was flying towards him, alone.
Hiccup was going to get himself killed.

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