Chapter 10

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"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled, abandoning the others in her race to catch up with the chief. He was miles ahead now, and she knew Toothless was A LOT faster than Stormfly. I'll never make it, she thought. But I have to try. "Hiccup!" She shouted again, once more to not even a glance. Astrid saw Drago laughing out of the corner of his eye. Toothless surprisingly began to slow down, apprehensive, despite Hiccup's attempts to urge him onwards. Astrid shook er head slightly, and took the opportunity to power ahead. The Nightfury was almost at a hover as the Deadly Nadder raced towards it. Toothless, still in panic with everything going on and his master's reaction, formed a plasma blast, and was about t fire when he realised who it was. "Hiccup," She tried again, softer this time. Hiccup's head flashed around to face her, and she noticed the anger, fear and determination in his eyes, as well as his tear-stained cheeks. She pulled Stormfly up beside him, and the two ended up being just a number of meters away from Drago himself, who had turned away to continue to destroy Berk, after he saw Astrid halting Hiccup's rapid approach. "Please, Hiccup," She continued. "Listen to me." He didn't reply, just simply let himself begin crying once more.
"It's all my fault," He sniffed, tears still rolling down his cheeks.
"No, it's not, Hiccup. How many times do we need to have the same chat?"
"As many times as you choose, because I'll never listen, Astrid. Do you know why?" She didn't answer. "Because it's the truth, and there is no escaping that. My father, along with Thor knows how many Berkians, are dead and I'm just expected to believe in myself? For not protecting them? I don't think so." He sighed, and tried to pull away again, but Toothless wouldn't budge. "Come on, Bud." Nothing. "Toothless, move! Please!" He never eve shifted an inch.
"Do you think this is how your father would wan you to react?"
"My father is dead, Astrid."
"So even if he was alive, I was never good enough. I am simply Hiccup the Useless. I may as well give myself up."
"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, if you so much as let Drago lay a talon on you, I will be down there, reeking hell and killing you myself," He smiled slightly at this. "Now we don't wan that, do we?"
"Never, Milady."
"Then come on, Chief Hiccup, the ride of this village. The reason we made peace with the dragons. The reason we are all still here today. The cutest, selfless, most stubborn Viking I know. We have a war to win, which you, me, Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, Valka and everyone know that you are the only hope we have," Hiccup flew closer to his future wife, and let her brush the tears off his face. A newborn look of determination rested there instead. "So what's the plan, dragon boy?"
"You'll find out soon enough."
"There we go. That's the Hiccup I know." Without warning, she then inched him, hard on the arm."
"OW!" Hiccup yelled, controlling his voice after he remembered the situation around him. "What was that for?" He whispered.
"That, dragon boy, was for having yet another mental breakdown. And this," She leaned over and kissed him, re-enacting the scenario which occurred just earlier that day with near perfection. "Is for having a plan. Now go and save your village."
"Our village." He smiled at Astrid and the two flew off in the direction of the other dragon riders, ready to defeat the man who had caused more problems in the village than Snotout and the twins combined.
It's on, Drago, Hiccup thought. It's on.

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