Chapter 14

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"Hello Hiccup," Drago jeered as he circled around them, outside of the ring of blades. "Got yourself in a sticky situation, have we?" His followers laughed, as they hardened their stance.
"Let us out of here, Drago!" Hiccup yelled, pulling inferno from where he had stashed it just moments before.
"Now, now, dragon master. You know I can't do that." Hiccup rolled his eyes, as he spun around as discreetly as possible, trying to find means of escape. Hunters were everywhere. If you were to try and slip under one's legs, another would be there waiting for you. The spears were long, and with good enough aim, could impale a dragon, never mind a Viking. Contemplating possible scenarios, he considered fighting. No, he thought. One blow from one of those weapons and we'd all be dead. He mentally sighed, a very Hiccup thing to do, as he came to the conclusion that the only way to free the others would be to do whatever Drago wished. As Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, Drago signalled, and two hunters stepped forward, getting scarily close to Tuff, Fishlegs and Snotlout.
"What are you-" Snotlout began.
"Move." One of the hunters butted in, shoving Snotlout to the side.
"Excuse me!" The Viking stormed up to the guard, unarmed. Hiccup winced as he, again, began to analyse the situation. "Who in Loki's name do you think you-" Before he could finish, the hunter punched Snotlout across the face, knocking him to the floor, when Valka and Astrid ran over to check he was alright.
"Why would you do that to him!" Astrid whispered furiously at the hunter, and found herself shocked that she was sticking up for, and comforting, Snotlout. The hunter simply laughed and approached Fishlegs.
"You too."
"I'm not going any-" The Viking stopped suddenly as he felt himself become winded, and he fell to the ground. Hiccup twisted and turned, trying to make sure all his friends were okay as he tried to come up with something to get them out of there. Something. Anything. But his mind was empty. Suddenly, he turned to see the hunters approach Tuff.
"No! Don't hurt him!" Ruffnut tried to race forwards towards the hunter, but Valka held her back, not wanting anyone else to get hurt. The hunters cackled, looked at Drago for approval, which they received though a swift nod, and lifted Tuffnut square off his feet and threw him back in the cage. Suddenly all the hunters turned to face the cage, poking their weapons through the cage bars, ready to strike, whilst also leaving a clear path for the others to escape. Hiccup abruptly realised what Drago was trying to do. He hung his head.
"Ha ha! Not as dumb as he looks then!" Drago laughed as he pointed to Hiccup, prompting the other riders to look at their leader.
"Hiccup, what's wrong?" Astrid said worriedly, placing a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. Fishlegs and Snotlout were back on their feet now, and staring terrified at their friend in front of them.
"Son?" Valka tried to approach, but as she did, Hiccup shrugged Astrid's hand off, and stepped towards his enemy.
"Shall I explain to them what the plan is then, dragon master?" Hiccup was silent. Drago spun around so everyone could see him in clear eyeshot. "Hiccup here, is one in full awareness of my plan, but I shall explain it anyway," He looked at Hiccup once more. "This rider here," He smacked his spear of the bars. "Tuffnut, as you call him, is my prisoner. You take the other riders and escape here, dragon master, it will stay that way. But, if you trade places with him," The riders gasped. "All your precious friends and family go free."
Tuffnut knew exactly what Hiccup was going to do, and he couldn't allow it. The chief, sacrificing himself for the village lunatic, who never listened and only ever reeked havoc? No.
"NO, Hiccup!" Tuffnut yelled, moving back further in the cage as his leader approached. "Not for me!"
Hiccup ignored him.
"Let him go," Hiccup said bluntly, his face emotionless. The other riders were staring, only breaking to look at a different person. Ruffnut was in tears.
"Is that your decision, dragon master?"
"Let him go," Hiccup simply repeated, a small tone of fear in his voice. His face stayed blank, high was something Astrid wasn't used to. She knew Hiccup better than anyone, so therefore knew that even though he would hide it, his face is an open book. Yet this time, she couldn't seem to read him.
Suddenly, the guards whirled around, moving the spears aim from Tuffnut to Hiccup. Drago himself thumped over and unlocked the cage. Tuffnut made no attempt to leave, in fact scurried further into the cage.
"Looks like someone is reluctant to leave," Drago chuckled menacingly.
"Tuff, you have to listen to me," Hiccup shouted, jumping so that he could be seen over the array of spears and swords. "Take Ruff and the others and get out of here. You're weak. You won't last another day here without Gothi's help. I'll be fine."
"No!" Tuffnut collapsed into the wall of the cave, though still standing.
"Come on Tuff! Look at the state of you! You need to get help!"
"I won't let you do this. Not for me."
"What about Ruff?" He pointed to the girl choking out sobs in the corner, Valka rubbing her back. "Are you just going to leave her?"
"What about Berk? Are you just going to leave it? Your chief now, Hiccup. You can't do this."
"Astrid, as my betrothed, can become the Chieftess of Berk, or Snotlout, as my cousin, can become Chief of Berk. It will be fine without me."
"What about Valka and Astrid? Are you just going to let them suffer as they mourn."
"No one said anything about dying, Tuff..." Hiccup murmured, although he, and everyone in the room knew it was a possibility. Silence. Finally taking the hint that talking Tuff down would not work, Hiccup turned to Astrid. "Follow the pathway, and get Gothi to tend to Tuff, Snotlout and Fishlegs."
"But Hiccup-"
"Go. Please." Astrid didn't move. Everyone was quiet. Drago was the first to break the eerie silence.
"Enough!" He barked. "Are you going or staying, dragon master?"
"Going" Hiccup said flatly, and the spear immediately turned back on Tuff.
"What?" Drago looked stunned, but not to the extent of the other riders, especially Ruffnut.
"I'm going. Tuff doesn't want me to stay, and there's no way to break him up without you killing us all, so I'll leave."
"What? So we're just going to leave him?!" Ruffnut choked.
"Yes." Hiccup turned on his heel and walked to wards the mouth of the cave. Thump. Clink. Thump. Clink. Thump. Clink. He looked over his shoulder, and noticed the other were following, though reluctantly, Astrid and Snotlout dragging Ruffnut who was in hysterical tears.
"Stay safe, Tuff," The viking nodded at his chief, who went to leave once more. Then he spun around once more. "And Tuff?"
"Take care of everyone."
"What do you-" Before he could finish, Hiccup bolted forward, yanked open the door, pushed Tuff out, who collapsed into Ruff's arms, and slammed the cage bars on himself.
"Hiccup, no! What are you doing?" Tuffnut and the others were all calling similar things, Valka and Astrid's voices shrill with concern.
"I'm sorry," Hiccup murmured, bowing his head. "You knew I would never leave unless everyone was safe." With that, the guards began prodding their weapons at the riders, forcing them to disperse. Drago cackled as he locked the cage on Hiccup. The riders protested the entire time they were being banished, until their anxious voices could be heard no more.
"After them!" Drago bellowed at the guards, who nodded and ran off. "As for you, my friend," His eyes pierced Hiccup. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

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