Chapter 17

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...But only just. His heartbeat was weak, but there nevertheless. His breathing even more so. Astrid sobbed with joy, and Valka sighed, as she knelt back. Both knew he was alive just now, but in a matter of hours, minutes, seconds, that could all change.
"Hiccup," Astrid choked. She recalled all the happy memories which she had had with him; Her first flight on Toothless, their first kiss, her betrothal... she clutched the necklace, before continuing. The meeting of Stormfly, and very flight they had together since that day, at daytime, nighttime, sunrise, sunset, whether it was casual or racing. Racing. She recalled the flight she spent with him just a few days ago, on their race to Itchy Armpit. It was one of the best moments of my life, she thought. Then she remembered the odd mid-flight conversation which they shared.
"What I said that day," She sobbed harder, and the others looked at her comfortingly, yet confused. "It wasn't nothing. I can't imagine a world without you in it."
Then the unexpected happened. Hiccup rolled over slightly to face her, and everyone gasped. Toothless bolted up and started roaring in panic and happiness.
"I... c-c-can't imagine a world... without you in it e-e-either," He stuttered, before releasing a large exhale which he hadn't even realised he was holding. is vision released slightly, so he could make out the outline of her. The pain was overwhelming, and he wanted nothing more than to slip into the world of unconsciousness once more, where there was no soreness. No nausea. No dizziness. No agony... and his body listened.
"Hiccup?" Valka questioned, as her son rolled back onto his back, unmoving. She reached out to touch him, but Toothless jumped in front, and wrapped the boy in his arms, nodded, then roared up towards the village.
The riders looked up through their pools of tears and saw the citizens of Berk battling Drago's men, and losing. Almost every home was destroyed, and burning buildings was all that was left of their village other than the people, who, at the rate, wouldn't be there for long.
"We need to fight," Astrid stood up, wiping her face on her sleeve.
"But... Astrid," Fishlegs stammered, signalling to the limp body inside the Nightfury's wings.
"He's alive, and Toothless is there for now.He kept Hiccup alive after the Red Death, didn't he?" No one could argue with that. She paused. "It's what Hiccup would want."
Valka, the person you would least expect to agree with this plan, walked over, and put a palm on Toothless' muzzle. "Take care of my son," She nodded, as the dragon did in return, before mounting Cloudjumper. "Well, what are we waiting for? We have a village to protect." The other riders finally agreed, and they flew off into the sunset to save everything and everyone they had ever known.
It had been an hour, and the battle was still raging on behind them. Toothless sat with Hiccup, now slightly exposed, as he looked at how much blood he had lost. There's so little hope, he thought, as he gazed up to the village. Their own house was on fire now, the SnapTrappers blasting in every direction possible. The Dragon looked backdown at his rider, and payed him down in the bloodstained grass once more. Shuffling over, he sniffed the injury, and listened to his heartbeat. Fainter than ever. Even fainter than the Red Death. He was beginning to lose hope.
Suddenly, something he never expected to do, happened, and a teardrop rolled off of the Nightfury's chin, and fell directly into the wound. Toothless jumped to his feet once again, and began roaring for help, but no one could hear over the battle coming from Berk. The dragon was terrified that he had caused his rider more harm. What if he's in more pain? What if I've infected it? What if I-
Hiccup shot upright, coughing up blood beside him.

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