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Teardrop awoke with a squeak, tossing around in a blanket. She was just a droplet, a very young one. Raindrop, the mother that looks just like her but with white flower on the side of her head, carefully picked the small droplet up.
    "You're going to be the best daughter anyone has ever asked for.." Raindrop murmured into Teardrop's ear. Teardrop's father was unknown, but he was turned on for his blood-breath behaviour and now he roams the streets. He was a criminal, murdering dozens as he wandered. Raindrop feared him as much as fearing that she'd lose Teardrop. She promised she'd never leave Teardrop, though.
Teardrop slowly began to flicker her eyes open, everything was a blur, and her belly rumbled with hunger. Raindrop held Teardrop close, the droplet kicked in protest, opening her mouth as no noise came out. Raindrop looked down at the small drop of life. "You're so strong! Yet you're only weeks old!" She yelped in surprise as Teardrop gripped Raindrop's lip. Teardrop was born silent, but she was crying immediately. Raindrop nuzzled her child, holding her close. She'd always keep this little drop safe.. And hopefully, their father never finds them.

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