Chapter 1

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"We're out of options," Councillor Emery said, his eyebrows drawing near the centre of his face. Sophie seconded the motion, they were out of options, even if it annoyed her that he was right. It wasn't even that; It was the fact that once again, the Neverseen had left them weak, vulnerable, defenceless, and with a very distinct feeling of fear latched onto their hearts.

"Are you sure we have tried everything?" Biana asked, sounding as exasperated as I felt. Even though I knew asking was pointless, I had to admire her; always putting on a show of positivity even when the world seemed to be unspeakably dark.

"Yes," Councillor Alina said, rolling her eyes.

Biana turned away quickly, but I saw the flash of hurt in her bright teal eyes. "Just checking," Biana murmured inaudibly.

A look of frustration haunted Dex's face as he surveyed Dame Alina's flawless features. His eyes quickly flitted away from her equally frustrated look and rested on Biana.

Stena tapped her fingers on her knee impatiently. "We have been looking for a solution for days, weeks even, and has anything changed? No. So unless someone comes up with a magical solution soon, I think it's safe to say we're screwed."

The head councillor shot her a look that seemed to say language!, but Sophie was inclined to agree with Stina, they really were out of options, screwed even. How could we ever compete with the Neverseen's massive armies without an army ourselves? Sophie thought. Not to mention their immeasurably better wit. They were smarter, faster, better. Ugh. this was pointless.

"Alright." Emery sighed. "Everyone, go home and rest, we will meet here and discuss a plan tomorrow."

Sophie noticed the pain in his voice. Not pain, as in something physical, but the pain of disappointment, the pain of knowing we would fail, and there was hardly a point of meeting tomorrow. Yet, despite it, he stood and flicked his wrist, dismissing them.

Sophie sighed, disappointed, but left the room with no complaint. She made her way down the hall, barely hearing Dex as he spoke quickly about something.

"Sophie?" Dex said loudly, gaining her attention. She blinked stupidly.

"Sorry," Sophie said, flicking her stray blonde hairs out of her eyes.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Dex asked, annoyed.

"Um..." Sophie said awkwardly. "Sorry?" was all she could muster, looking at his slightly put out face.

"No, it's fine," he said, regaining his composure."I want to ask Biana out."

"What?" Sophie asked incredulously. Sophie betted if she had been eating something there was a very high chance she would have spit it out.

"What?" Dex asked, hurt flashing in his eyes. "I thought you like Biana."

"No, no, it's not that. You just took me by surprise, that's all." Sophie said untruthfully. A little worry nagged at the back of her mind. She wasn't sure what it was, but something about this news just didn't sit right with her. It wasn't jealousy, at least she didn't think it was. Was it jealousy? No. she concluded, it's just a stupid sisterly protectiveness or something.

"Really?" He asked, relieved. "I'm so glad. You're the first person I've told. I don't know, something about her." He got this dreamy look on his face. Once he noticed she was staring he quickly blushed a deep shade of red and straightened. She gave him a small smile in response.

"I hope she says yes. Do you think she will say yes? I mean, you're her best friend so would you know? I'm sorry, for burdening you with this secret. Do you think you could refrain from telling her? Just until I do, that is." He continued rambling on, lost in his words. At the sight of her faint smile, he faltered. "What?" he demanded. "You're not happy for me?" he accused almost angrily.

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