Chapter 7

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"So it doesn't exist?" Keefe asked quizically, his face a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"Don't be silly, "Bronte said scornfully. "Of course it does."

"Well, technically it doesn't," Oralie chimed in. "No one has ever been there... no maps show of its existence."

"Then why would Bronte insist that it does in fact exist?" Dame Alina enquired, her face haughty and dubious.

"Because he's been there," Grady concluded.

Bronte shot him a condescending glare.

"Haven't you?" Grady said, staring at the ancient councillor.

"No. As a matter of fact, I have not ever been there."

"Then, please enlighten me as to why you are so confident as to its existence," Dame Alina retorted.

"It doesn't exist-- not really. It's a time warp, covered in a kind of magic that defies ageing among other things. It is an old fable of a safe place, a refuge of sorts. We called it рај-- haven, it means."

"'We' as in, you and her?" Sophie asked.

"Yes. It was a place where all the different species could coexist."

"How does it defy time?" Emery asked, speaking for the first time that day.

"As I said, it was made with a unique kind of... magic."

"We know of no kinds of magic that can defy time. No intelligent species has this power."

"When did I say anything about the proclaimed 'intelligent species'?" Bronte's eyebrow raised in a perfect curve.

"Alicorns," Sophie said, finally putting the pieces together.

"Precisely, Ms Ruwen."

"How did she have access to this power?" Emery finally asked.

"She has access to all kinds of power," was Bronte's only response. 

The clock ticked on, as the elves continued to bombard all kinds of questions at Bronte.

The next day dawned, bright and early where Sophie was to meet it. She clambered out of her covers quickly as she raced to her door, pulling on a dark green tunic over her head.

"Morning Mom," Sophie said as a quick greeting, while simultaneously scarfing down her mound of mallowmelt that Edline had prepared for her-- they figured mystery haven place wouldn't have any. 

Once done with her breakfast, she grabbed her coat and bag she had prepared the night before and hurried out the door, Grady in tow.

"So, how do we get there?" Dex asked, his brows furrowed in feigned concentration.

Dame Alina rolled her eyes. "We have been over this numerous times, Dex"

He flushed pink.

"I know you did," Keefe said, sticking up for Dex. "But how do we get there exactly."

"Best not to know exactly." Grady patted him on the shoulder. "It's real complicated."

Dex gave him a small grin.

"Just step into the light when I call your name," Emery said loudly, gesturing to the bright crystal that lit up the small room."I suppose Bronte should go first," Emery added.

"That may be wise," Bronte replied with a shrug.  He stepped into the bright light, and as suddenly as he was there, he was gone. Bronte didn't take much with him, just a casual, but nice tunic and a small briefcase filled with a few belongings suitable for travel.

"Hello, Bronte," a soothing woman's voice spoke softly.

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