Chapter 6

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Days passed without any news. The elves grew antsy-- anxious to set their plan in motion. Sophie and her friends had yet to hear back from the dwarves, let alone the councilors. They had ideas of what was happening outside their sheltered walls, but nothing concrete-- nothing of any true substance. Assumptions can only take you so far in a guessing game with lives at stake.


As a result of much contemplation, Dex decided not to ask Biana out, deeming it too risky... especially in times such as these. Or at least that's what he told himself. Every day. On repeat. 

I mean, it's not as if she'd even say yes, Dex silently chided himself.

Maybe, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered. Maybe she would say yes.

Stop. Dex silently reprimanded himself for having such a bold thought... even as inconsequential as that.

It didn't feel the same as when he had liked Sophie; this was different. With Sophie... it felt easy-- normal, almost. This... with Biana Dex felt as though he was being mercilessly tugged from outside his comfort zone and into a lion's den, complete with a starving lion, ready to devour him. Yet... It didn't just feel infinitely scarier... it felt more real. He could go days without thinking of Sophie... whereas, with Biana, his mind never ceased to bombard himself with thoughts of her.

Yes, he felt uncomfortable... and yes, he felt as though all hell might break loose; but somehow, amidst all the chaos, whenever he was around her, everything faded away but this assured sense of contentment he couldn't explain.


"What?" Emery growled. "What could you possibly have to say to me that would make me feel more at ease in my irattible state?... Besides of course any actual news. Perhaps, a solid response from the trolls would suffice."

"Well, that's why we're here, sir," The timid apprentice said quickly.

"Well, what is it?" He asked, his voice husky and aggressive masking the anticipation and fear laced in his voice.

"The Trolls... they have a location for you." His voice was shaky, filled with blatant trepidation.

Emery scowled at his hesitation to continue; he gestered for the apprentice to continue.

"Well, perhaps it would be better to wait to read it."

"Wait? When else would a more convenient and reverent setting befall us to uncover this information?"

"The meeting with the council that is scheduled for tomorrow, for starters."

"There's no time like the present, eh?"

"I suppose," he murmured shyly. He handed him the letter reluctantly, his fingertips outstretched on the faded parchment. 

Emery grabbed the parchment eagerly, teaing up the neatly sealed envelope with a newfound sense of excitement. He skanned the letter silently, his eyes widening as he read. 

"If I may ask, sir, what does it say?"

"That's impossible."

The apprentice eyed his mentor cautiously; he wasn't used to seeing Emery like this-- he wasn't used to seeing Emery in such an informal setting at all.

Emery rushed out of the room, letter in hand, and stormed towards the gargantuan door.

He left the wide-eyed apprentice with a blank stare and quizzical look.

Sorry I haven't posted recently :(. Hope you enjoyed. Make sure to:



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