Chapter 2

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"Trust me, Keefe, nothing happened," Sophie said, for what seemed like the millionth time.

"You say that every time," Keefe complained.

"That's probably because every time it happens to be the truth."

"Hmph," Keefe said, resigned.

Sophie rolled her eyes. Keef was such a dramatic. He was always pressing her for needless details.

"If you're not here to fill me in then why, might I ask, am I here?" Keefe asked.

"What?" Sophie questioned. "Am I not allowed to visit with friends now?"

"No, it's strictly prohibited."

Sophie sighed. "Fine," she said, cringing with anticipation. "I had a small squabble with Dex."

"Ohhhhh," Keefe crooned. "Did poor Dexie's feelings get hurt?"

Sophie punched his shoulder lightly, wishing it hurt him more than it did.

"Fine," he said, resigned. "What happened?"

"He wants to ask Biana out," Sophie mumbled, cringing at the sharpness in her words.

"Oh?" Keefe pondered aloud. "Finally got over you, Foster. You Jealous?" He smirked.

Sophie refrained from punching him a second time and instead rolled her eyes.

He continued smirking. "Well?" he prompted.

"No," she said, heated. "I'm just... processing."

"Processing that one of your close friends wants to ask another one of your close friends out?" he asked, his expression bordering dubious.

"Yes," she spat. "Is that so awful?"

"Well..." he surveyed her face. "What exactly did you say to him, Sophie?" He asked gently, his face already anticipating to cringe.

"Umm..." She started uncomfortably. "I told him that he should wait."

"That's all?" Keefe asked, incredulous.

"Yep," Sophie said untruthfully.

"Alright," he waved his hands up in surrender and let the topic be.

Sophie didn't respond, letting the awkward grow immeasurably uncomfortable

"Do you think he will do it?" Sophie blurted finally, anxious to hear his tendentious opinion.

Keefe smirked in response. He felt no need to rile her up further... to this extent, anyway.

"I mean..." Sophie trailed off.

"You mean?" Keefe prompted. His face was smug, but waiting... patient, almost.

"I told him he should wait; will he listen?"

"You know him better than anyone. What do you think?"

"Honestly? I'm not sure. Dex is somewhat... unpredictable at time." Sophie said. "Especially when he's angry," she added as an afterthought. What would Dex do?

"I would just let him be. I mean, I hate saying that, but... He probably knows what is best for him-- and her."Keefe replied wisely.

"You're probably right," She sighed.

"For the sake of entertainment, I really hope I'm not." He drew a long sigh.

Sophie chucked one of the fluffy pillows perched on her bed at his blonde mop of a head.

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