Chapter 10

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His words provoked a shattering, and complete silence. She was dumbstruck, completely at a loss for words. 

"I--" the pools of vulnerability in his eyes stopped her.

"What were you thinking?" He said, resigned. His voice was soft, questioning; but his dilated pupils told an entirely different story.

"I thought it would be better if I just left," she said, finally; her voice weak and resigned, but her eyes filled with sincerity.

"Did you really?" he said angrily, his fists balling in frustration.

"Yes." Her eyes met his defiantly. "I did. And I stand by that choice and all the others that I have made along the way."

"Fine." His lip curled upwards.

"I thought that you would be happier without me. I thought-- I thought that by leaving I would be making things better," she said earnestly.

He didn't respond. Instead, he stared blankly at her, his body evidently stuck in fight or flight mode

She looked at him cautiously, and carefully said, "and did I?"

"Did you what?" his expression filled with pure disgust. Disgust with himself, and disgust with her actions.

"Make things better." Her green eyes squinted with sincerity.

He laughed. His laugh wasn't soft and pleasant like hers; it was harsh and bitter. "Is that a joke?"

She sighed. "No, Bronte. I am not joking. What makes you think that I would joke about this?"

He averted her glance and stared intensely at the cocktail nesting in the crook of her arm.

"God." She tapped the counter impatiently. "Is it really that bad that you can't even look me in the eye?"

"What if I said yes?" He said, finally meeting her stare; his gaze vividly harsh.

"Then I would tell you to suck it up."

He snickered. "Glad to know you still have a sense of humor."

"Hardly," she replied coldly. 

"You leaving-- it wrecked everything... everything good in my life."

"You still had your career, your friends, your precious elf status." She pressed, leaning towards him ever-so-slightly. 

"My friends? My career? What good are those when your wife-to-be leaves you at the altar, naming you a fool."

"So that's what this is about?" she said, exasperated. "Your pride?" she laughed, dryly. 

"No. It was about the love of my life leaving me." His eyes instilled holes in her, careening his way into the very depths of her soul.

Her throat close. Love of his life?  

"So, you have been with no other women? None?"

"None. And even if I had wanted to, I can't."

"Why not?"

"The job. You cannot be wed or have children while on the job," he answered simply.

"That's not what I meant. Why didn't you want to? Be with other women, I mean."

"Do you really need me to answer that?" He asked weakly.

"No," she said, resigned. Her eyes dropped to the floor, seemingly ashamed.

"Did you love him?" Bronte asked suddenly.

"Wha-- oh. No." She stammered. "I mean, I think a part of me did; I was intrigued by his ideas, and notions of equity, but no... not-- not the way I loved you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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