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I lay awake, thinking of something I thought I'd never think of: my mothers cell phone number. Maybe, she still had the same one. It was unlikely, but still possible. My chances weren't zero, right?

I knew it was foolish, but I crawled off of my bench, creeping over to the bedroom door. Bode's soft snores were coming from his bed, so I knew I was safe. Mostly.

There was a phone mounted onto a wall by the kitchen downstairs. I just had to reach it quietly. I couldn't wake anybody up. It'd be hard to explain that I was calling the early memory of the phone number at four in the morning. It wasn't true that I had gotten no sleep, because I had. But when I woke up, I thought of this.

I hissed as the phone rang. But it was so quiet, and I was so far away from the stairs, that I didn't think they would hear.


The voice almost made me drop the phone. It was her. It was actually her.


"I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Mom, it's me, [Name]! It's really me!"

"I-I don't know anybody by that name. Please, ju- don't call me again."

I frowned. It was her, I knew it. I remember her voice. I had looked at so many memories. I had heard it so many times. And it was her. I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

I let a tear slip out of my eyes, falling at the same pace as I slid down the wall. My head rested lightly in my arms. I couldn't bear to exist at this very moment. I shut my eyes tight, so tight that I saw stars. My legs began to feel like TV static. My heartbeat thumped hard, not pacing itself like it should.


I refrained from opening my tear-heavy eyes or lift my tired head for a moment. I knew who it was. It was Bode. How he knew where I would be (because I don't think a lot of people go calling their parents at four a.m) baffled me. But I finally looked up, smudging salty tears all across my eyes.

"What are you doing?"

I shook my head. I could already feel another crying tsunami shake me. I was about to lose it.

"She answered," I said.

"Who's 'she'?"


I felt him lean down in front of me. His pretty brown eyes searched mine, only finding more tears. He quickly leaned forward, pressing our lips together. It was only a second, but it made me feel... happy.

"Come on, let's get back to bed."

I took the gentle hand that he held out for me, letting him guide me to our room. I followed sleepily up the long staircase. He held the door open for me before blocking out the rest of the house once again. And then it was quiet. None of our feet were shuffling across the hardwood floor, none of our soft whispers flooding through rooms.

I let a yawn escape my lips. For a moment, I thought about it. I'm not sure when I made the habit of waking up in the middle of the night. And for the first time, I noticed how Bode was always the only one to wake up or come to me.

The boy patted the spot next to him on the bed, letting me crawl in beside him. He pulled the covers over us, looking me in the eyes.


"For what?"

"Kissing you."

"I don't mind."

(Is this weird?)

Ghost Girl (Bode x Ghost! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now