~ The Beginning~

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" Sam go welcome your daddy!" their mum shouted
As she stepped out with her brothers to greet their dad, Mira felt weird, not knowing what was happening she got scared. Like other dreams she occasionally has, she felt so real yet lost.
Her dad usually stays a while in the car before stepping out so she didn't really rely on that. Her bothers just greeted and passed, but inquisitive Mira wanted to drag on driven by that urge to act, she stepped closer and opened the car door, just to be carried away by the blood smeared on the side of her dad's face. Beaten to almost non- recognition her dad dropped to the ground.
"Omfl" was all Mira could mouth, having no vigour to voice her words. She stepped back feeling so weak and speechless. And that was it.
"So how did it go?" Back to reality she heard him- her dad, alive and sound without the blood smear asking. With a sigh of relief she said "twas fine dad" with no urge to explain further or ponder about the dream, Mira strolled tiredly to her room. Getting there, she went straight for the bed like a beast finally on its prey.
She lay there reminiscing over what had seemed so real yet was a mere dream. Alone Mira was an entirely different specie. How and why she is this way she didn't know but in she was happy though because she could tell what was yet to happen. Unfortunately she didn't have that courage to say it out except to her brother. The only person in the family she felt was spiritually endowed. Somehow it felt like a burden, a heavy weight she couldn't endure but on the other hand, it was a gift.
"Noooo!!!" Mira heard her mum scream suddenly. She turned to realize that her mum was standing directly in front of her husband's bleeding body. Out of shock she collapsed. Filled with both rage and fear, Mira ran to her mum to meet white foams spilling out of her mouth. "Mamaah! Mamaah!! Maamaaaahh!!!" She wailed into the solemnity of the day.
As she jumped out of bed, soaked with sweat dripping down her body, Mira couldn't even remember when she fell asleep talk less of diving into such a dreadful dream. This was the negative part of her gift, majority of things she sees are dreadful. Still Breathing heavily and scared, she rushed out of her room to the parlor where she last saw her mum and dad only to find them talking to a guest. With a sigh of relief, she dashed for the kitchen. She needed to eat

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