the closet (kiki and xueer)

825 38 9

Kiki - Bold
Xueer - Unbold
Inner Thoughts - Italics

This will be taking place at the house The 9 is gonna stay at.

From their Weibo posts I'm just assuming who's rooming with who..

This also might be mostly Kiki's POV.

Kiki's POV


I shot up off my bed from being startled by Esther screaming down the hall.

"What does she want..?" mumbled Yu Yan.

"She wants to do something." replied Lu Keran.

I walked towards the door and open it to see Esther waking towards me.

"Kikiiii I'm bored." Esther pouted.

"Okay then let's do something. Any games in mind?"

"Yayyy! I'll get everyone. Meet downstairs at the dining table!" she said as she ran down the hall way to grab everyone.

I walked back to my room.

"Guys were gonna go downstairs. Esther wants to do something."

Yu Yan and Lu Keran oblige as they climb off their beds and walk to the door.

"What are we doing anyway?" Lu Keran asked.

"Some sort of game or something."

The three of us walk downstairs and sit together at the dining table.

I look to the staircase to see Esther pulling Xiaotang and Xueer down the stairs.

An Qi, Liu Yuxin and Shaking are walking behind them chatting with each other.

Everyone is now sitting together at the dining table.

Esther piped up and asked, "Why not play Truth or Dare with a bottle?"

I glanced to see An Qi, Xueer and Shaking shudder at the question.

"Sure. Game on."

"Do we have empty bottles?" asked Xiaotang.

"Yeah there's like two in the trash can." I said as I walked to the trash to grab a bottle.

"Wash it off please."

"I will just give me a minute." I said as I turned the faucet on to clean the bottle.

I walked back to the table and set the bottle in the middle of the nine of us.

"Okay I'll spin first!" exclaimed Esther.

Esther spins the bottle and it slowly lands on Xiaotang.

"Xiaotanggg... Truth or Dare?"



"Okay, then kiss someone in this room right now."

Xiaotang raised an eyebrow at her.

"Then I'd like for everyone to close their eyes. I wouldn't want anyone to see."

All of us closed our eyes as Xiaotang got up to kiss someone.

I could hear her footsteps only moving a foot from her seat as she then sat back down.

"Ok. I guess it's my turn now?" Xiaotang said.

"Yep-p." stuttered Esther.

The bottle spins around and stops at me.

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