kiki laoshi (kiki and yu yan)

856 31 5

Kiki - Bold
Yu Yan - Unbold

yu yan gonna be cute here asking for some help

this was a requested story, thank you to
@smolbeangguk_ ,for this plot idea

for a reference, this was the interview that kiki said yuyan was acting cute to ask her for help on hunt's choreography

if you squint a tiny bit there's some kexin crumbs
along with a whole meal which is dyht

just imagine that the house has a dance studio in it

Kiki's POV


I'm currently leaning against the kitchen counter with my phone in hand, along with a Yu Yan sitting on one of the stools next to An Qi.

I have to scream because sometimes these kids won't listen to their jiejie.

"Hey, no need to yell! We're sitting literally right here-"

"And everyone else is upstairs or in the living room. Do you two have anything you specifically want for lunch?"

"Ah, I think I got to have hot pot for today."

"Okay, and you baobei?"

"I want hotpot too."

"Two votes for hotpot. Where's Keyin?"

The two of them pointed to the living room.

"Kiki wait."


"Could you please teach me the choreography for Hunt?"

"Oh right, I'll teach you maybe after lunch. I need to get the house's votes on what's for lunch."

"Oki. Go get votes from the others now."

I jokingly saluted in their direction before walking to the living room. The T.V on, Keyin sleeping in Keran's lap and Xueer lying down comfortably on the long part of the couch.


"Guys what do you want to eat for lunch.?"

I plopped on to the couch sitting by Keran and the sleeping Keyin.

"You're ordering today?"

"Yeah it's my turn today."

"Oh cool, I kind of want dumplings-"

Keyin jerked up from her slumber smacking Keran in the chin.

"What the hell was that for-?"

"Dumplings is a yes for me- thank you Kiki jiejie!"

She slammed right back down onto Keran's lap, whipping her face with her hair.

"You're mean Keyin."

"Sure I am. Just wake me up when the food is here."

Keran rubbed her chin while reverting back to a comfortable position.

"Xueer, what do you want for lunch?"

Her eyebrows perked up as she sat up to answer me.

"What has everybody else wanted so far? Normally the others have good taste in food."

"I've had two votes for hotpot and two votes for dumplings. We might get one more thing so, your choice."

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