Chapter 2; Meeting

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~happy New Years, guys. I am terrified of the future, woo~

*Ellie's POV*

((December 22, 2014))

"Great practice, guys. I think we're getting really good!" Lynn cries out, raising her drumsticks above her head.

"I agree; I think we're fucking kickass!" Taylor shouts, carefully laying her bass in it's case.

"I hate all of you," Jenna states in a monotone voice, making the rest of us laugh. Jenna zips up her own case, her guitar nestled inside.

I remove the camera from it's stand and prepare to edit it for YouTube.

"Ellie, how many new subscribers do we have?" Lynn asks from behind me, packing away her drum set.

I check our account as our new video uploads and almost instantly gasp.

"What? What is it?" Jenna asks, rushing to kneel next to me.

"You know how we had a little over a thousand subscribers...?" I whispered, still not believing the number in front of me.

"Yeah, did it go down or something?" Taylor asks, coming up behind me.

"No, not at all...we've got almost one hundred thousand, now..."

My bandmates let the news sink in...and then we all started screaming.

"How did that happen!?"

"Is this a YouTube trick?!"

"Check the band Twitter!" I cry, grabbing my phone and logging into our band account.

Sure enough, the amount of followers and mentions had gained immensely, as well.

"What the shit happened?" Lynn mutters.

"Oh, guys, I've got a missed call from John, maybe he can explain?" Jenna says, putting her phone to her ear. John was our manager; surely, he would know something.

"Hey, John?"

"Yeah, it's going good, just finished practice, but, um..."

"No, everything's fine; we're just confused about something."

"No, the instruments are fine, it's just that...well, we've gained a lot of new followers, and we're just very confused if you and the team did promos last night?"

"A tour!?"

At this, I looked up and stared at the rest of my bandmates. There's a tour?

"We're opening? For who?"

I mouth, 'opening?' to Taylor, but she just shrugs.

"No. You're kidding."

The rest of us were sitting on the edge of our seats, quite literally, waiting for Jenna to explain.

"Oh, my fuck. You're serious!?"

"Ok, I'll tell the rest of the girls. I'll see you at the meeting next week, then!"

Jenna ends the call and squeals again.

"Ok, what the fuck is happening? What tour? Who are we opening for?"

Jenna takes a deep breath, then practically screams, "We're opening for Black Veil Brides! We're touring with them for a year!"

Which literally still made no sense to me.

However, Lynn and Jenna jump up and scream even louder than they previously have today.

"Ok, who the shit is Black Veil Brides?" I shout over the high-pitched fangirling.

BLACK ROSESKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat