Dance Monkey three!

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Chapter three

Carmen's dress room was covered in garments of clothing,resembling a tornado. None of her usual outfits looked good enough,they all looked too childish or too mature for the fourteen year old today. What about.. Where was it? Aha! There it was,one of her favorite costumes. The attire consisted of a light green crop top with FeatherBrain written in black fancy type,a deep purple wrap around skirt and black boots,the buckles had one feather coming out of it each. To finish the look,she had decorated a sparkly black headband with two feathers,one green and one purple. Smiling,Carmen laid it aside. She wanted to wear it but she thought it might be better to keep it off until the show,that way it wouldn't get wrinkled. This was going to be the best performance that she had ever done. Then she stopped smiling. What was she doing? 'Getting ready for the show that Loliene is going to watch!' was the answer she immediately came up with. Sighing,she went into the kitchen to grab breakfast.

"Hey Car-Kitty! Come 'ere."

Shivering,Carmen walked toward the ringleader, Mr Trapact. His name fitted the creepy aurora he gave off. With his long mustache,short,slicked back hair and big eyes that shone erriely in the dark he was nothing short of a disney villain. He was the owner of the circus and he always gave the performers nicknames. Tight Rope was Ruth's,the tightrope walker, nickname while the clowns were often named after boozes and wines. Since Carmen was known as Car-Cat,Mr TrapAct often called her Car-Kitty. It sickened the dancer but she had no choice but to ignore it as she didn't want to risk being fired.

"Yes sir? Is there something wrong?"

"No. Well,slightly. See, we need more people in the audience. So i was thinking that you could do a bit more than dancing. Maybe do some,I don't know, something glamorous. Get me?"

Behind her eyes Carmen was flying past the stars on a pair of silver wings.

"Of course sir! In Fact,I already have an idea. What if I did a trapeze act? I have practice" she exclaimed,already dreaming of visions. Mr TrapAct thought about this for a while before agreeing,saying he would get things arranged as soon as he could. The eccentric girl could hardly keep herself from bouncing on her toes. She was going to do a trapeze act! Thanking the ringleader,she began walking back to her caravan as she needed to get ready for today's show. 

Story Ideas BRUHH!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz