Garçon d'eau perdu 2.

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I couldn't breathe. Every time I tried resulted in failure. Without air,I was destined to die. I waited,not fighting anymore. The last thing I saw was a pair of hands,trying to grab me but not quite reaching.  Feminine hands,with a bracelet with what looked like two names,Dylan and a name beginning M. After that was pure black. Just a void of infinite blackness,leading me to my grave.

I sat up,shaking. It was another nightmare. I checked the clock. Twelve in the morning,Sunday. I've been in the hospital for a week,the doctors said they couldn't let me leave until they found someone to look after me. The nightmares came everynight,each one being longer and more detailed. Maybe,if I stayed asleep long enough if remember everything. I sighed,ringing the bell that asked for assistance. Almost immediately,my usual nurse walked in. She was very young,she was only a nurse in training. she was twenty-seven and she already had a twelve year old daughter. Her daughter was called Melody,a name that suited her perfectly as she often came with her mother to the hospital,singing sweetly to the patients. Her voice seemed sad and lonely but when I asked her mother,Nurse Bonnie, she said that she only sang like that because of trauma.
"She lost a friend a couple months ago. They used to sing here together and now,bless his dear heart, he's dead. His parents moved after his death,too upset to stay here with all the memories. Perhaps you'd like to meet her. You'll be friends,I'm sure of It."  I nodded,needing all the friends I could get. Nurse Bonnie said she'd being Melody to meet me next week seeing as she had a club  on Monday. Well,I guess I'll just have to wait. Then I remembered my dream. "Attendre!" I cried out as Nurse Bonnie began to leave the room. She dropped in the doorframe. She tilted her head,confused. I froze. How could I tell he about my dream. Did she understand whatever I was speaking? Oh wait, the doctor said I spoke french. Did she even understand french? I pointed to my mouth,trying to tell her. Her face lit up when she realized what I meant.
"I understand french. I learnt it in school so I'm a little rusty dusty but I can try!" I smiled. This woman acted like a child yet was wise enough to be a teacher. And so,since I trusted her,I told her about my dream.
"Dans mon rêve, aujourd’hui, j’ai vu une paire de mains. Féminines. Ils ont essayé de me sauver, mais ils n’ont pas atteint. Ils avaient un bracelet. Il a dit Dylan et un nom commençant par M. I.. Je crois que je m’appelle Dylan."
She gasped. Then she started skipping around the room,saying my 'name' a million times. What has I gotten my self into?

Story Ideas BRUHH!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ