Garçon d'eau perdu

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That was all he could see. Just blue,dark,deep water. Waves of questions crashed over him as he struggled for air.
Where was he?
Who was he?
How would he get home?
Did he even have a home?

His heart was banging in his rib cage,causing him to shiver slightly. He felt a strange peace after a while. He let his body rest,not fighting against the wall of water anymore. It was pointless. He was the helpless mouse in a world of cats.

First Pov.
I opened my eyes to see what seemed to be a hospital. How i got there is beyond my memory. I only remember bringing the water and becoming the water. Nothing else comes to mind when I try think of how i got here. I feel cold. Too cold. Just as I'm about to get up and close a window a doctor walks in.
"Sir? You alright now? We found you drowning in Mooklar Beach."
I open my mouth but words I don't recognise tumble out.
"Je vais bien, juste confus." What was I saying? I tried again.
"Où suis-je?"
" I see,you speak French but understand english. Interesting. You are in Mooklar City Hospital. We can't seem to match your fingerprints to any documents. What is your name and age? "
I paused. How was I supposed to tell him.if I didn't know myself? I tried remembering but it was hopeless. I shook my head,trying to show him that I didn't know. He sighed.
"Let me try your fingerprints again please. Perhaps it'll work this time. the machine has been working all night so it could just have over heated." I nodded before pointing to the bed I was laying on and making a shivering motion. He understood and handed me a thick,fluffy blanket from a cupboard near the door. I wrapped it around me,making myself into a blanket burrito. I watched the doctor walk out the door,leaving me with my thoughts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey my little starlings! This is a story I randomly came up with,no plan,no inspiration. Just,wrote it. I quite like it thought,can anyone guess the language? It kinda easy but...oh well! ❤❤ love you all,sorry If I'm posting a lot of moody stuff. I'm in a moody phase.

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