[ 6 ] Sweet Boy

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[This poem was written as a school assignment in my World Studies class as I learned about WWI. It is a little over a year old, but I still wanted to publish it and show you guys. In fact, all the poems before this have been written a few months ago at least. When I wrote this, I imagined it in the perspective of a mother, but it can be either side of the parental unit.]

Sweet Boy

Sweet boy. My sweet, little boy...
You carry yourself on your feet somberly.
It pains my weakening heart
To gaze at you falling apart.
Why do you feel fright
At the sight
Of them?
Sweet boy. My sweet, little boy...

Poor Boy,
You know they can't touch you no more.
You denounce society as the fore detractor.
As you lain there after a day
You howl in pain and say,
"Enemy enemy! Run! Everyone escape!
No, no, no, no! It is done.
We have fallen just like Rome..."
Then, your body jolts awake and I hear
You, my boy, shriek in fear.
Poor boy. My poor, little boy...

Precious Boy,
Peace comes to you when
You see her smile then.
She sees you like no other
As you light up like a happy color.
That young girl speaks to you.
Immediately, your mood turns anew.
You have love for that young girl like
No other because of how she
Looks at you for you and nothing else.
Precious boy. My precious, little boy...

Strong boy,
You have emerged gracefully.
You have surged back into society
And grasped it by its reigns
To take back control of your life.
Finally, you showed society the brave lion
That won't be bestrode by its terror.
Strong boy. My strong, little boy...

Keep your head high.
My sweet, poor, precious, and oh so strong boy...

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