[ 10 ] Loving an Enemy

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You guys are in luck as this poem was written almost a week ago(with only one stanza) and my lazy butt decided to pick it back up again! The first stanza was just a spurt of inspiration from listening to music and then just letting my mind wander, I think. It's what usually happens nowadays.
I'm trying to reason with myself that this poem makes sense. The more I wrote, the more I got confused. Like, I get the basic story that I had in my mind. That story was not the original intention I had a week ago when starting this, but I think everything is okay now.

I've been running a mile a minute.
My heart just couldn't quit it.
Though I should be done with you,
I couldn't pull through and undo.

They keep telling us it's wrong
To love the enemy and get along.

Our people will never understand
This love unless experiencing it firsthand.

I kept searching and searching
For the one who would be yearning
For a person like me,
Someone who was free(unlike me).

Never in my wildest thoughts
Would I have come across
Someone who was forbidden
While I was supposed to be hidden.

We fell in love.

The moment we met was
Like no other .

We've been running a mile a minute.
Our hearts just couldn't quit it.
Though we should be done with each other,
We couldn't pull through and suffer.

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