Chapter 9

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"Be kind and never predict something like this again, Lucia!" Leon screamed as he started shooting at the creature's head.

I laughed nervously.

"At least, are you okay?!" I asked back, a bit surprised at my divination powers.

Should've been a medium.

"Yeah! Find me a way to get out of here and I'll be better!"

I looked around and hoped to find something.

However, since it was a cave it was already lost since there only were rocks and weird machines...

I sighed and looked at the cage.

The monster was trying to jump on Leon, but he avoided calmly every attack.

The thing looked like a huge devilish man mixed with a mosquito larva, so I ended up taking my field glass to take a look inside the cage, checking if there was something that could help him.

When I noticed that some machines were hidden behind iron curtains at the back of the cage, I looked for a switch.

I grabbed my gun and tried to aim at it, but, somehow, my bullets were never reaching the right spot.

What the hell is happening? Am I becoming blind?

I was so tired that I couldn't see far away anymore.

I felt guilty.

I'm such a burden...

A cry from Leon's side made me come back to reality.

Sure, I felt like the worst crap on the earth, but he still needed my help, so I quickly put my problems aside and stood up.

" Leon! There are control panels around you! You have to open the iron curtains to access them! I think they'll unlock the rest of the cage!" I yelled.

"Great, thanks!" he responded as he dodged another hit.
He rolled on his side, ran to one of the iron curtains, and looked for the switch. When he found it he shot precisely at it and ran towards the button, pressing on it before the thing tried to attack him again. Then he did the same with the other one, still avoiding each potential attack. Then, some kind of timer started to beep and the cage's lights strangely turned red.

Is it going to...?

"Leon! It's going to...!" I tried to shout as he ran to the next part of the cage. The previous one detached itself and fell with, I hoped, the monster in it.

When Leon got to the next area, he hurried to do the same thing as before: metallic curtain, buttons... Yeah, it is repetitive.

Bored, I ended up trying to make a castle with the dirt. I had just started by the tower, putting a bit of water to make it solid by adding the right quantities but I guess it was a pretty bad idea since it collapsed in less than a minute.
Slightly disappointed because of my non-building qualities and the lame quality of the dirt, I started to punch it, hoping that the floor was an actual person who would somehow apologize.

Of course, I just had dirtied my hands.

A piercing scream from the monster made me focus back on Leon and his prisoner adventures, who struggled with the Plaga that it had let out of his back.

He threw a flash grenade and quickly activated the switches, making a chain appear out of nowhere, on which Leon jumped as the last block of the structure fell.

I quickly stood up and got closer to the edge, ready to catch Leon if he ever needed help.

Luckily he had so much balance and energy that he flew through the cave, landing right behind me.

The Butler's daughter - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now