Kalief Browder

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(Um, I don't know if it's only my phone but the words won't change to white so, you're going to have to read this chapter with the dark mode off. Sorry 😐)

I couldn't bring myself to finish the entire documentary.

It was just too heartbreaking.

Just knowing that he spread all that awareness and then him 'committing suicide' is so dang tragic and horrifying.

If you don't know who Kalief Browder is, that's a shame.

But I'll tell you anyway.

Kalief Browder was an African American man from the Bronx, New York. Browder is known for having been held at the Rikers Island jail complex, without trial, for allegedly stealing a backpack, between 2010 and 2013 when he was unable to make bail; he was in solitary confinement for two of these years.

Now, you might be wondering why I'm so horrified when there's P.O.C who have been put in prison for way longer unjustified.

While that may be true, Rikers Island jail Complex has to be if not THE worst, it's definitely one of the most brutal and unjustly incarceration confinements in the entire world.

When you have time, I advise you guys to do further research on the prison and see for yourself.

I'll explain the gist of why it's horrible:

Rikers Island doesn't function like a regular prison. They illegally have this 'undercover' gang that controls what goes on in there.

They call it 'the program'.

1. The judges only send P.O.C, mostly black people,  there and if a White person winds up there, they normally get transferred to another prison straight away.

2. When you first get there, you have to make a very life changing choice; you either, comply and basically be everyone's slave, (everyone meaning the corrupt guards too), or you chose to stand up for yourself and take care of yourself.

Now, the latter would sound like the best option but the catch is that everyone in your section continuously jumps you, until you either die, or finally commit.

Kalief obviously chose the latter and the most horrifying thing is that everything was documented. So in the Netflix docu that Jay-Z produced, they showed actual footage of him getting jumped by all of the prisoners and the guards allowing it and not stopping it.

The most heartbreaking thing about this all is that our OWN people are responsible for this.

That saying 'it be your own people' really hits different in this situation.

You witness black people in our community continue to be the cause of why Kalief suffered do severely in that prison.

If I was you guys, I'd do my own follow up information the matter, so you can get informed of what's truly happening for yourself.

I recommend using the search engine 'Bing' because Google tracks everything.

But we'll get into that on another video.

I also recommend you searching 'Kalief Browder case' and "Rikers Island 'the program'"

Let me tel you, the saying 'get with the program' will have an ENTIRELY different meaning when you're done watching that documentary.

After the docu was finished, Kalief later commited suicide and that just made the whole situation even sadder.

That's what incarceration does to people, especially black people.

And ESPECIALLY veto g locked up because you was accused of stealing a backpack.

The judge set his bail for $1,000 but him and his family was poor so they couldn't pay that kind of money right away.

But when they finally got the money and tried to bail him out, the judge refused because of others charges'.

So basically, they trapped that man into being locked up for about four years because he allegedly stole a backpack.

Plus, the person that claimed that Kalief stole the backpack changed his story about four times.

I don't know if you guys know this but in case you don't, constantly changing up your story is a GIGANTIC sign that someone is blatantly lying to you.

So not only was he unjustly incarcerated, he also was only in prison because the judge set a bail that they knew was impassible for Kailef's family to pay.

Here comes that quote again:

"The law system is fair to rich guilty people more than poor innocent people"

Please, please, please watch this docu. You can easily find it on Netflix.

It will definitely be worth your time.

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