Nick: F For Frustration

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"I won't fly commercial. What happened to ours?"

"Australia, Ash." Henry said.


"Last time you flew commercial, remember?"

Ash went to sit on Henry's arm rest. "I can't forget it, Hen. I almost died, remember?"

I smiled at the exaggeration and closed the laptop. It's just the three of us in the room. Most of the team already left for Corey's party. Only Seb was downstairs. He was equipping the new guys.

Henry was going over the plans for the upcoming travel. Ash, as usual, wanted to make last minute changes.

Henry looked at me for help."It wasn't that crowded. Was it?"

I too remembered that trip. "There was a family before him in the check-in line."

Ash nodded. "BIG ass family. Nine. And they took forever to board. I literally passed out. Didn't I?" He turned his wide eyes at me.

"I can't remember." I lied. He had whined for all of the ten minutes it took to board the plane.

"I do. Also they put Nick far away from me! And that woman wouldn't change his seat!!" Ash frowned, clearly reliving his fight with that air hostess.

"It was first class. How far could he have been?" Henry asked.

"He couldn't see me from his seat. That far!"

I laughed at that. "I was sitting right behind him."

Henry swatted at Ash. "Drama queen!"

"Whatever. Ready our jet."

Henry sighed. "You will be there for a month. We have to pay to keep it stored in some place safe. That's expensive. Instead we can rent a local jet for inland trips. Much cheaper."

"I don't care how much it costs. I won't set foot on those stupid planes with long queues and talk to stupid women with false smiles."

Henry crossed his arms. "Very well. Just so you know, whatever you'll earn there, you'll spend on that rent alone."

Ash sat up. "You're lying." He watched Henry closely as if he could tell if Henry was lying just by staring at him without blinking.

Henry was a pro. He cocked a brow.

That was enough to convince Ash. "Okay. Still, I-"

Henry stopped him."Listen. There are no queues for celebrities now. The flight you're taking has better seats than our jet. Nick will sit right next to you."

Ash scrunched his forehead and gave another owl look and asked. "Buffy?"

"I booked for them in economy." Henry replied.

Only three of them this time-Rob, Tolan and Seb. We would hire locals if needed.

"No, no. Buffy should be with us." Ash said.

"Why? First class isn't cheap." Henry looked at me again. He had checked with me before booking. I didn't see any issue with his plan. It wasn't like we would all stand on guard inside a flying plane.

"I don't care. I want Buffy's seat close to mine." Ash declared, surprising me.

From what I had observed, Ash and Rob had odd dynamics. They ignored each other and talked only when absolutely necessary. Sometimes Ash tried to pull Rob into conversations. Rob never encouraged them. And yet, it was Rob who got the go ahead from Ash for Corey's party. In fact Ash had become weirdly generous and gave everyone, including me, the whole evening off.

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