Chapter 8 - "...Ten"

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(Ok I kind of really love this and was really excited about this chapter. Hope you love reading it as much as I did writing it xx)



The sun had set by the time I had awoken. My head felt as heavy as stone and was pounding relentlessly, my stomach was whirring frantically in likeness. The night was cool and the curtains of the room were waving slightly in the summer night breeze.

Distant chatters were emanating from the hall still. I could recognise Manon and Dorian, my mum and dad all discussing whatever. I didn't try to overhear any of it, tiredness ached around my body and sleep was calling in my bones

I'd completely and utterly lost it. My whole being had just screamed at me to tell her, anyone, everyone that Fenrys was here. Or had been, not a few hours ago.

It had been hours, I was sure. My hair was still slightly damp where mum had probably tried to wash off all the blood. The thought had me reaching for my neck for the wound that was still trying to sew itself back together. And the sick- gods I'd thrown up too. It could've been the smell, or it could've been the thought of him after all these years. I'd started to believe I'd made the whole thing up.

Well, that wasn't strictly true. Certain images had been replaying themself over and over in my head since I was one. It should've been impossible. But then again there had been a time in Adarlan where even the fire and wind of my parents had been impossible too.

My hand meandered from that trail across my neck down to the necklace that had been hidden beneath my tunic. Come home. I willed it, sighing and closing my eyes again to lull myself to sleep with thoughts and dreams of a white wolf.

My whole body jerked awake. The whole of Erilea was holding its breath in a bated silence. I strained my ears, but still, there was nothing.

Though it couldn't have been nothing. I knew it wasn't nothing, because it was the exact same nauseated feeling that I'd had in the clearing before everything had happened. I didn't like to dwell on that memory.

A light trickle of sweat beaded on my head, I wiped it off and placed the flat of my palms over my eyes and laid back on the bed. And I would've thought I was going crazy, if a sudden weight hadn't pressed down the length of the bed. I took a deep breath in then-

My eyes whipped open to stare directly into onyx. His face was soft and kind, almost gleeful when my hands reached up to cup his face... it was replaced the next second with a blank hardness as a blade was withdrawn.

I barely moved fast enough, the dagger forcing through the pillow where my head had just been. "Fenrys!" The blade missed again. "Fenrys, please!"

My foot forced itself up and kicked him off the bed and sent him stumbling back towards the door before catching himself. The growl that he emitted wasn't animal. Something more beastly than that. I forced myself standing and pulled myself into a fighting stance as he mirrored the action. And when he charged...

I let him.

I feigned left and as he followed I pronounced, wrapping my legs around his hips and pulled his face into my hands. "It's me." I whispered.


The blackness that had consumed me gave way. Gave way to the image of me. Only, it was through someone else's eyes. Someone with snowy white hair. I could remember that moment.

NO! You can't!

Something was clawing inside me, but the image didn't falter. 

It was the first time I'd tried showing Luna a magic trick.

To My Dearest Stardust, To My Dearest Moony - Fenrys' MateWhere stories live. Discover now