Newsies embarrassing stories

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(( most of these are prob gonna be school stories))

Davey: in 4th grade we hear this kid breathing heavily in class. The teacher saw his pants pulled down a bit and his desk was shaking. When asked what he was doing, he said and i quote "playing with his 'wee wee'" then he proceeded to get up and show all the class and everyone started screaming.

Race: i liked a guy in preK and kissed him on the cheek during reccess. He tried to wipe it off as i walked away. I met him again in high school. He didnt remember me. Turns out i only had game in PreK

Albert: one time on a school trip i really had to pee on the bus. So i took a piss in a water bottle whilst Finch covered for me so no one found out. Then he emptied the bottle out of the window but all the windows were open. The window made all the pee come back into the bus and it hit peopls faces, hair and seats. Everyone behind us started screaming and we said it was just water.

Finch: when i was in preschool, my stomach started to hurt really badly after i ate a banana. I told my teacher that my stomach was hurting really badly and i felt like i was gonna puke. She told me that i was over exaggerating and that i had to go take my seat or i would have a time out. I followed her round till i felt like i was going to puke... then i puked on her twice and i didn't feel bad at all

Crutchie: one time in second grade Jack asked me if i had ever had sex. I thought it was just hugging someone for a really long time and i proudly said yes. He proceeded to tell the whole class. Later that night my teacher called my parents and told them what i said. Then my parents had to explain to me what sex was. Then i knew i fucked up. ((How dare you swear again Crutchie))

Spot: one time i thought it would be funny to put on a British accent whilst ordering through a kfc drive through. Turns out the guy was hella hot. He asked for my number... we went on a couple dates and i continued to use my british accent because i was too embarrassed. Hes been my boyfriend since and still had no idea im from Brooklyn

Blink: we used to feed our cat regular cat food, but the vet said he was too fat. Then one day my mum ran over a bump on the road, that turned out to be my cat. But he was so fat he was completely fine afterwards.

Mush: when i was 7 i couldnt sleep so i went into my parents room. I kicked something on the way during the walk there and thought nothing of it. The next morning the cops were at my house. Turns out the thing i kicked was a robbers testicles when he was stealing some stuff because they found him in the hospital.

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