even more skittery?!

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Jack: Skittery?
Skittery: fun fact. Suicide is wrong but if you wander into a forest with a camera and accidentally get killed by a bear. Thats just a failed nature documentary

Skittery: remember nobody can hate you more than you already hate yourself

Race: Theres a gunman?!
Jack yes
Jack: yes
Skittery: running outside SHOOT ME FUCKING SHOOT ME

Skittery: this is the best day of my life. Cos im killing myself tomorrow.

Camp person: alright if u were a fruit what would you be
Skittery: i would be a tomato cos no one accepts me as part of the group
Camp person: very creative whos next
Camp person: alright if u were an office supply what would you be and y
Skittery: id be paper cos people use me and then throw me away.
Camp person: descriptive
Camp person: listen Skittery im afraid if you dont change your attitude ill have to talk to your parents.
Skittery: if you figure out how to talk to my parents please let me know

Skittery: i have no soul have a nice day
Pulitzer: i dont have one either

Skittery: continuously whacks wrist lightly with a butter knife and pours red paint over it

Skittery: i barely got any sleep last night
whoever: all those bad bitches kept u up all night?
Skittery: no it was my anxiety and depression.

Skittery: your gonna take away my xbox! Takes toilet and throws it outside try taking a shit now Jack.

Race: if you could switch lives with anyone who would it be
Skittery: i would pick Albert
Race: why pick albert
Skittery: cos hes probably gonna die soon
Albert: what the fuck.

Race: what happens on you birthday for u
Skittery: everything ends up sucking like my first birthday my mom gave my life i liked it for the first few moments it was all shiny and brand new. Now it fucking sucks. I wish she'd take it back
Race: have you ever done anything fun for your birthday
Skittery: one time i went shark fishing with my dad and it took a long time to find a shark and i got really sad. And when the sharks finally showed up i jumped in the water but they didnt eat me. So i was even more sad.

Albert: do u not know how many people would fucking kill to be you. I would fucking kill race to be u
Skittery: why not fucking kill me to be me?
Race: Skittery to be honest i would want to be you.
Skittery: why
Race: cos it would be a challenge to get you out of the little rut your in.

Race: i feel like we need to find something fun to do. Have you ever been sky diving?
Skittery: well i went once and it sucked
Race what do u mean it sucked
Skittery: they made me wear a parachute

Crutchie: since your always so sad. Why dont you work in a sad place like a funeral home.
Skittery: i think it would get me jealous to work at a funeral home
Crutchie: jealous of what
Skittery: all the people dying
Crutchie: nO

Jack: Skittery skittery what does it say Skittery!
Skittery: it says ill be happy tomorrow
Jack: good
Skittery: must be broken

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