ii - waiting

692 37 12

Lost Stars by Adam Levine
Every Breath You Take by Aaron Krause, Liza Anne

From: kimjisoo@gmail.com
Re: HI
To: jennierjkim@gmail.com
Date: February 3, 2014


Hi, old friend! I was looking forward to your response to that letter I sent you the night of your birthday. The thing about e-mail is that you'll never know if the receiver have read it already or not. But I guess you've read it already, since you've been ignoring me for quite a while now, right? We used to go to school together with Lisa and Chaeng, but now you have Irene to pick you up I guess. At first, they were confused on why you're ignoring me, but I explained it to them and now I look pathetic.

I waited for a day, a week, and now it's gonna be a month since I confessed. Yet, you still haven't replied. Or maybe you're not planning to. I wonder where did I go wrong. Or am I really not worth replying to? Ah, pretty sure it's the latter. Don't worry, I'm used to it. No one really sticks around.

It's wild knowing that in a week, our highschool journey is gonna be over already. In a month, we'll be in college. I heard from Lisa you'll be studying Fine Arts in Seoul National University. It has always been your dream, right? I hope you do well in college, and be a successful artist someday.

I got accepted in KAFA, my parents are now supportive of my dream, being a filmmaker someday. I don't know if you would care but I just want to tell you that I'll be going to Mapo-gu a week after our graduation next month. I hope to talk to you in private before I leave.

I'll wait for your response, no matter how long it would take. I'm always here for you, I always will be.


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