Chapter One

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Lockdown In Hogwarts- Chapter One

It was a fine morning for all at Hogwarts. Students were wandering across the corridors, going towards The Great Hall for their morning breakfast. Some of the students were already seated while others were taking their places at their respective house tables. Students and teachers, all were entering the grand place. As I just said, it was truly magnificent in all terms and respects. Every time one sees it, they remain mesmerised by its beauty and grandeur. Such was it. Lighted candles were floating midair in the open sky under the transparent rooftop. It was a sight to behold, especially in the evenings. 

After everyone was seated, Headmaster Howard clinked his spoon against his wine glass while addressing the students. Of course, everyone knew by now, exactly what he was going to say, but no one ever objected. Not because they were afraid of their Headmaster, but because of the immense amount of respect for him. It was like a good omen listening to his voice every morning.

"Before we begin the feast, I would like to remind you all of the upcoming Quidditch Half-yearly Tournament that will begin in a couple of days." Now that was an unexpectedly expected announcement.

He continued, "I hope all the teams have been practicing firmly this shall be a wondrous season. We will be celebrating the silver jubilee of "THE NEW STATUTE"."

The whole hall erupted in cheers and applauded. It was truly an hour of celebration. For what stands today is because of it. After the cheers died, Headmaster Howard continued. "It is indeed a moment of joy and ecstasy for us all. As I stand here today and announce the celebrations to commence."

The whole hall went into a state of pure euphoria. This was certainly unexpected. The Tournament was to begin in a couple of days. But the celebration to begin two days prior was a real matter of thrill among the students.

"I would like to remind you that whichever house wins the Tournament shall be rewarded with a total of hundred and fifty points. Hence, I would like the teams to be more careful of their game play. A single miscue would lead to the loss and a single stroke would lead to victory," the Headmaster declared in his authoritative tone.

"I shall now be giving away to you, the current house rankings. On the fourth position with one hundred and sixty-five points are Hufflepuff. On the third position with one hundred seventy-seven points are Gryffindor. On the second position with one hundred and ninety-two points are Ravenclaw. And on the first position stands Slytherin with an amazing two hundred and eighteen points."

No later than the Headmaster had announced this, the Slytherin house began rejoicing. After all, they had earned it rightfully and under the very careful watch of the teachers themselves. There was no denying that Slytherin was one of the most powerful houses besides Gryffindor itself.

"I wish all of you all the luck. May the best house win," the Headmaster concluded his speech once the cheeriness had died down.

The students once again broke into a round of applause. The house captains were full of energy and beaming with pride. They shared looks with some of their team members who were in the same state of mind.

"Let the feast begin!" Headmaster Howard announced at last, following which all the house tables were magically filled with several delicacies like roasted meat with apple sauce, lemon and herb-roasted chicken, vegetable salad with saffron dressing, garlic bread, were to name some of them. Desserts included mousses, puddings, and ice-creams. A truly appetising breakfast that it was.

Throughout the breakfast, the house captains of Gryffindor and Slytherin were talking about their practice matches with their chasers. It was known to all about their infamous rivalry which has been continuing for years now, if not ages already.

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