Chapter Three

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Lockdown In Hogwarts- Chapter Three

As the bright afternoon sun gave away its light to enter the world of darkness, the sky filled with hues of shandy, crayola, coral reef, sunset orange, and then slowly merging into a dark purple. It was a sight to behold. Although students living here were probably immune to such sightings every other day.

The discussions among the team members came to a halt. Seeing the late evening sky, they all returned to the castle.

The students who were lurking around in the Forbidden Forest were ushered out by Rolf Kingston, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Students weren't allowed to stroll near the Forbidden Forest at night time. Although the Dark Lord had been defeated and all the dementors were taken into prison, no one could ensure one's safety around these parts.

On top of that, there were many new magical creatures present in the woods who would launch into attack if they sensed danger. Nothing was predictable in these parts. Hence to ensure the safety of students, they were kept under the constant watch of the professors.

Although the sixth and seventh-year students were allowed to go into the forest at night time if they wished to know more about these magical beasts. They were allowed in turns, accompanied by Professor Kingston. In case something went wrong, a distress signal would be sent for others to know and come to their aid.

Students were enjoying the no lecture period at Hogwarts. It was not every day that they got holidays or breaks of some sort. Hence everyone was enjoying it to their fullest.

The sales were still high. Students were scattered all across the castle. Some in The Great Hall, while some were loitering in the passage and hallways.

The House Ghosts were wandering across in the hallways. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, known to students as Nearly Headless Nick, was talking to a few Gryffindor students about the upcoming Quidditch match.

While Bloody Baron was boasting about his house as he always does, Helena Ravenclaw was silently, but swiftly gliding across the Great Hall like a passing wind. She barely talked to people except for her house students, some of the teachers, and Sir Nicholas himself.

The warm twilight sky soon gave away to a cloudless night sky. Stars so brilliant in their appearance gazed down at the students who were filling in the Great Hall for their dinner. The hall was lit with hundreds of candles that floated mid-air near the transparent ceiling. The view of the starry night beyond the warmth of the candle's light was in itself spectacular.

A few students though had skipped their dinner to stargaze. Few students were present on the astronomy tower who were working with the telescopes.

Sequin-silver stars were lining the sky with their grace, illuminating the life of the nocturnals. One particular student was way too interested in amateur astronomy. As he was looking into the distance, he spotted the flickering of lights in the sky. It seems impossible to have light bulbs hanging in the sky, but it was certainly possible if they weren't bulbs, but something else altogether.

He instantly recognized them to be some peculiar light-emitting insects, fireflies probably. He spent a few more precious seconds glancing at those tiny creatures when the thought dawned on him. Fireflies can't fly that high in the sky.

He immediately rushed towards The Great Hall, barged through the doors, and landed in front of The High Table in a heaving mess.

"There are hundreds of gnash-romes in the sky...flying towards us...with great speed." He tried finishing his sentence, completely out-of-breath.

On hearing this, the whole hall broke into whispers. The Headmistress raised her hand as an indication of maintaining silence.

"Do you realize what you are saying, Mr. Andrew?" Headmistress Bridges enquired in an authoritative tone.

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