Chapter Four- Part II

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Lockdown In Hogwarts- Chapter Four (II)

As soon as Eleanor apparated to the Fountain Courtyard she saw the tall, masculine figure looming through the dark corridors that led to the Charms and Defense Against The Dark Arts classes. Jonathan was securing the doors to prevent the gnash-romes from entering and causing havoc in the classrooms.

"Colloportus" she heard his faint voice standing in front of the classroom entrances.

Eleanor saw his body move with perfect sync to the casting of the particular incantation. Body postures were an essential component while casting effective spells.

Jonathan felt the presence of something or perhaps someone standing behind him. He swiftly turned around to see Eleanor standing in the middle of the open courtyard and gazing at him. Before either of them could say anything, Eleanor broke into a run for the Lost Wands and Herbology divisions and secured them with the locking spell.

The Herbology section was enchanted with special charms which made vines engulf the whole length of the door whenever it was locked by any kind of locking charm. This happened in this case too. No sooner Eleanor had chanted the spell than vines started growing all over the door, enclosing it from all sides. She retreated from near the door and went to her next destination.

Within a few minutes, all the classrooms were secured on either side of the Fountain Courtyard. Both of them came face to face with each other when they had completed their tasks.

"The Dungeons below are remaining. I will go and lock it while you send green sparks to them indicating we are done." Jonathan said while looking towards the sky. The gnash-romes were already upon them, if not for the protective charms delaying the inevitable outburst they were preparing to face.

Eleanor resented the fact that someone would command her with the do's and don'ts, but she knew better than to bicker in the middle of uncertain circumstances. She nodded her head and waited for Jonathan to disappear down the staircase and then flicked her wand in the air imposing strength on her right arm.


Green sparks arose in the air travelling at a great distance while tracing a parabolic path. She successively repeated the charm three times just to ensure that someone would have got the message and relayed it to the Headmaster or better, he would have seen it for himself.

She knew that Jonathan would be back in a few moments and then they could disapparate back to the castle. Just when she thought everything was set right, a thought struck her like lightning. I forgot to secure the library.

Before Jonathan could have arrived, she disapparated to the third floor where the library was situated in all its grandeur.

Hogwarts Library was reconstructed after the fall of the Hogwarts castle during the Second Wizarding War in 1997-1998. Since then the library has been located on the third floor to provide fresh air to an extremely affluent experience.

Numerous sections ranging from Study of Charms to Dark Arts, to counter-spell books, to wand-making techniques, to Muggle Arts, to even opera music and waltz were present. They also included the writings of many Muggle authors over the ages. This was to ensure that witches and wizards live in harmony with the fragile and powerless ones.

There were sections of novels and poetry written by both wizards or witches and the Muggles. The last few sections, which were the farthermost from the entrance, were sealed off as the Restricted Section. To gain entry and read the books of this section, one must have a signed letter from the Headmaster or the Headmistress. One can also get a sealed letter from the Deputy Headmaster or Deputy Headmistress. The entry was restricted to the fifth years and above only. 

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