The Belt: Part 5: Ultra-(violent)-sound Day (Mpreg) TW underneath

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Hey there! Quick explanation for my art pieces. I purposefully make the signature as close as possible to the art, or within the art itself. Why? The blend using reposters. You rarely hear about those people, but they're there. I'm not saying that everyone is one of them, this is just a callout to those jerks.

I'm onto your tricks, thieving scum.

TW: Choking (actual physicality), mentions of broken bones, and potential stillbirth or miscarriage.

Remus POV:
My back was the most sore it ever was today. I had a frown on my face for the first time. I was just 3, close to four months along, but I felt IV months passed due.

"Babe, are you sure you're going to be able to walk to the ultrasound room we had installed?"

I shook my head and started crying. I would call myself a wimp normally, but I felt like I would break my spine if I even sat up that day. I felt him hold me close and whimpered when he touched my back.

"Oh God, babe! Why didn't you tell me you felt this awful?"

"I felt like a fucking wi-i-imp! I knew I could heal myself, I just had no energy to!" I cried like a baby. Even the tentacles felt like they could snap.

"You aren't a wimp, baby. I promise. Oh God. Okay, I'm gonna have to heal you then, alright?" He hasn't done that in a long while. I was obviously against that, because him being the Anxious trait, the physical afflictions bounce back onto him, and said "Just bring em all here, please. The machine can point out what needs healing. We can't risk another incident. I- I don't want to see you unable to move when the time comes."

Virgil's POV:
I was terrified. Keeping secrets like this was like a lie of omission. Was he lying to me? Is he capable of lying? Sarcasm, a little, but lying? I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I needed to help him through all of this.

Janus's POV:
I was in the middle of getting ready for a little intimacy with Logan. Stockings, thigh skirt, I mean I didn't go all out or anything, like I desperately craved his mating fluids.

I mean... not that I am able to mate, or anything...

Anyways, I was trying to decide on lipstick or no lipstick. With the slit snake lip it's more awkward and difficult than it seems. While doing so, I heard the all summoning call. I was obviously under heavy stress, not in a scared sense, that I sank and rose up practically screaming "What! Is it? I am bus- oh.."

My eyes widened as I realized what I did wrong. I went to sink down, but Virgil was the protector and ran to me, pinning me against the wall with a shove. I honestly don't blame him, considering Remus's expression of shock induced tears.

"What it is, is that the father of my fucking children isn't able to get out of bed, and YOU had the very NERVE to yell at me for HELPING HIM!" He was pushing me, throat against the wall, at this point he was going full spider protector on my ass.

"I-I'm so-or-ry.." I managed to say before Logan stopped him. "Virgil, that's enough! The only one you should focus on is Remus right now, understand?"

The glare in his eyes that seemed almost like lightning, faded and he let go of my throat. I fell to the ground, coughing, as Logan went to me and checked my neck. He gave me an icepack for it.

Remus's POV:
I was crying. Roman was right next to me gently stroking my head and letting me cry against him.

Virgil looked ashamed, somewhat. I honestly didn't blame him that much. Everything was making me cry at that point.

Roman touched my back and I whimpered. "Oh! Oh my gosh, this is what happened?"

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to." Janus said, his voice sounded so trying. That's gonna leave a bruise for sure.

"Just please, shut up, and I'll be fine. I just need to know if they're gonna be okay." My parental instincts went nuts during that moment. As if going into the 3rd trimester, or whatever the fuck my circumstance would label it as, made me realize that these kids are half of me as well. To lose them would be to lose another part of me. I couldn't let that happen. Not again.

Janus let Logan go to me as he went to his room to recover. Virgil stood next to me and I looked away from him. He looked angry. It scared me.

"Virgil. I think you should take some deep breaths before getting this close." Roman said.

"To my own boyfriend?"

"Virgie... I love you. I'll be fine. Just scared."

He looked confused till Princey held a mirror to his angered face.

"Oh... Oh, I understand. I'll be in the corner for a second." He went to the corner and took some deep breaths.

"Remus, are you able to move any part of your body?" Logan asked me.

"The forearms, the jackers, and the below knee slackers."


Luckily Roman knew the code. "Forearms, wrists and hands, as well as the lower legs."

"Thank you. So, I'm going to have to use the ultrasound on your back as well. The problem could be that staying in bed this long has gotten your body to be positioned incorrectly, which isn't only bad for you but bad-"

"Just shut. The fuck up. And CHECK!" I was in tears, and Virgil went to me, caressing my face.

"Alright. I'm sorry." He began to gently cut my shirt so he could lift it. I couldn't even flinch everything hurt so bad.

I watched the screen, hoping to see the little ones safe and sound.



The light sounds of two heartbeats were soaring within my ears. Healthy heartbeats. I was so happy I cried as a cloud went over me, sprinkling the tears away, and blowing the wind to dry me off. "Thanks Virgil."

"That.. wasn't me." He said, getting us to look at the screen. The little ones snuggled closer and thumbs up.

I made a little pouty face and cracked a smile. "They're perfect."

"Yes. Both seem to be healthy. However, your back. It seems that, with how long you've been staying in bed, you've been straining it consistently and will need a lot of physical therapy, if you wish to deliver without a c-section."


"And, without ability to move you, the only way to check the full extent of the problem, will have to be x-ray."

"What!?" Virgil was scared. I couldn't risk the babies lives like that. I made the possibly biggest 50/50 decision I ever had, besides looking on Reddit during my first month of the pregnancy. Didn't help the morning sickness at all.

I teleported myself on my side on the bed, freaking Roman out, as he jumped back. I whimpered, trying not to cry aloud.

Virgil grabbed the device scanner out of panic, and started checking on me and them. "Babe? Little ones?"

"Virgil. I can check on them. Don't touch the devices, and focus on him."

"Th- they're fine... I- I think m-may have fractured something.."

"That can easily be healed compared to a bone break. You chose the most beneficial option, so I can heal this easier. Although the physical therapy still has to be done." He checked my back as Virgil held my hand and he pushed my back into correcting itself. I am not afraid to say that Romans ears started to bleed, and it was The FUNNIEST shit you've ever seen. Even funnier than the time Rick Sanchez turned himself into a pickle, I shit you not.

"So now, may I check on them?" Virgil asked.

Logan nodded.  "In fact, keep the scanner, I can easily conjure up another."

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." Logan replied.

Virgil checked the babies. Both were fine still.

ReGil Sinne-ma (Dukexiety 1, 2, Or 3 Shots, Or Getting Story Fueled Blackouts)Where stories live. Discover now