⇢ℳ𝓎 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃ℯ

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(changing the plot hope u dont mind Koyoharu Gotouge-sensei)
This story will take place on the battle where y/n will meet her lover aka kyojuro who is fighting against akaza-
As i was running towards the train i heard screams "AAHHH" "YOU'LL DIE KYOJURO YOU'LL DIE" that sounded like kyojuro i fasten my pace to see kyojuro about to be attacked by the demon i quickly jumped and aimed at the arm luckily it dindt hit us, i stand in front of kyojuro telling him to rest while the others get here tanjiro and zenitsu helped him walk out off the battle field clearly exhausted. "hmm what have we here" said akaza i just ignored it and striked a move "breath of (name) (number):(name of attack)" i aimed at the demons neck but failed the sun was starting to rise i lauched another attack hitting its arm but it soon ran deeper and deeper into the woods "kyojuro!!" i scremed while walking towards the boys and him i kneeled down and faced him while he was caressing my cheek i hold his warm hand tears starting to fall from my eyes "kyojuro dont leave me the others are almost here" i said sadly "i shall never leave your side i love you too much to do that" i hugged him while he fainted in my arms "i love you too, kyojuro" "y/n!! Y/n!!" there i heard a shout it was 1 of the kakushi there were 5 more behind him "thank goodness your here" the kakushi then started to treat kyojuro once he was bandaged up we helped them carry him back to head quarters he still needs to be checked by shinobu of course.
-Time skip-
We brought him back to shinobu's estate/clinic we opened the door
"ara ara what do we have here?" shinobu said while standing up from her chair "please treat Rengoku-san's wouds" "sure, you can take him into the other room" the kakushi laid kyojuro on the clinic table and left me and the boys were waiting outside. We had a good time chatting but a apart of us still devastated while we waited the boys decided to train whike its still morning i was left there and soon called inside "y/n he seems to be alright although his left eye was crushed and can not be treated right now he just seems to need some rest" "yes shinobu-san" "oh and by the way you can now check on him hes in the other room" i stood up not wanting to waste anymore time and went to where kyojuro was i stood at the entrance of the room tears falling from my eyes i headed over to the side of his bed and laid my hand on his "kyojuro dont leave me please" a few minutes past by and i strated to sleep by him.
-2 months later-
Y/n had been looking for kyojuro every time she has time to do so sometimes his father and little brother came to visit she would spend all day talking to him about her day and what happened but sometimes she couldn't take it and would cry but she never lose hope.
I was walking to the tulip field were me and kyojuro met and fall in love.
(note: i just wanna include the tulip field from the 1st story this has nothing to do with it)
I sat in front of the field under the beautiful moon, the moon tonight was beautiful the flowers danced in the wind. "kyojuro wish you can enjoy this beautiful night with me"a sigh of relaxation came out.
Kyojuro POV
" huh? Where am i? Why is there? " i looked at my side table to see a book i remembered that book, that book is y/n's she always read it, i soon heard a knock and the door opened "moshi moshi y/n?" shinobu said looking at the room "ara Rengoku-san your awake" she said while walking to me "hello Kocho-san wheres y/n?" i looked at her confused "oh shes at the tulip field i just wanna check if she left already " shinobu said pointing at the window "ah i see... May i go to her? I mean am i allowed?" i told her she returned with a smile that says yes she helped me get up "oh Kocho-san" i said "yes Rengoku-san?" "how long have i been in here?" i looked at her "about 2 months" i just nodded i walked to the door "thank you Kocho-san" "anytime" i soon left wow the moon is really beautiful no wonder y/n went to the field.
-Time skip-
Kyojuro POV
While i was about to pass the tulip field i heard a melody, that melody was the same as y/n's there i met her, her hair swinging in the wind i blushed seeing her at such a beautiful and calm state i walked to her
I started to sing a melody that always reminded me of him i missed him so much, i felt strong warm arms around me and a head nuzzling in my neck "what a beautiful day isn't it, love?" i soon started to cry i faced him with teary eyes "welcome back kyojuro" he caressed my cheek oh how i missed him i dont know what to say even.
Readers POV
The space between them decreased so much so that kyojuro leand in for a kiss, the kiss was full of passion and sweetness y/n always longed for this ever since kyojuro had his deep slumber "i love you y/n-chan" kyojuro said ever so sweetly "i love you to kyojuro-kun" there they sat and cuddled under the moonlight.
The end-
Kyaaaa~ what a lovely chapter anyway hope you guys enjoyed it as always stay safe and love anime💕🔥

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