Chapter 3

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I have been talking to Tuhru and her friends for the past thirty minutes. We were talking until I saw a kid jump on Yuki's shoulders. I then realized I know that kid.

"What is he doing here?" Kyo asked.

"You know that kid," I asked.

"You know him too," Tohru asked. I nodded. A tall guy comes in and talks to the kid.

"I am momiji sohma" he says in a german accent. Then he talks about stuff I was zoning out until he jumped up to the top of the stand with a rice ball in hand. I opened my arms and said "Come here kid". He jumped down into my arms. I didn't notice but all the sohma's were surprised.

"You ok kid" I asked. He nodded his head. I set him down and kyo grabbed him. Him and tohru went behind the curtain. I walked over to tohru's friends. They were talking about how she changed. We talked until a mist came out from underneath the curtain. That mist looks like my mist, just mine is f/c. I rushed behind the curtain and saw a yellow rabbit. I looked around and saw the little boy's clothes on the ground. It then hit me.

They are just like me.

I rushed out from behind the scene. I sat down for a second. I need some fresh air. I walked up the stairs. I opened the door and everyone that was up there looked at me.

"Are you guys all like that?" I asked. They all looked shocked. I looked at the bunny and crouched down.

"Kid come here" I told the bunny. The bunny jumped over to me and into my arms. I stood up.

"Tell me the truth" I told them. They tell how they are cursed to be zodiacs if someone of the opposite gender embraces them. They also tell me how the zodiacs can embrace each other.

"How did you find out?" Yuki asked me.

"Well, how do i explain this". I got an idea. I walked over to Yuki and hugged him. He tried to use some of the moves to stop me but I just dodged. When I hugged him nothing happened to either of us.

"Tada" I said to them. I let go of Yuki.

"What zodiac are you?" Tohru asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" I told her. She nodded her head with excitement in her eyes. I bid them farewell and left the roof. We cleaned up the stands. I walked home until I decided I wanted to go to the gym. I went inside and my house smells like alcohol. I walk to my parents room and see them sleeping. I called work and told them I can't come in today. I went to the bathroom and changed all the bandages. I walked to my room and changed into a F/C sports bra and f/b shorts. It threw on a baggie sweatshirt. I put on my shoes and jogged all the way to the gym. I knew my body was not going to like this. I pulled up my h/c hair into a h/s. I walked over to the treadmill and put it to almost the maximum speed. I spent about thirty minutes there till my legs wanted to die. I walked over to the punching bag. I practiced my fighting skills for about an hour thirty. Once my body could not throw on my punch or kick it one more time. I sat down on the bench and put on my hoodie. I stood up and walked to the nearest store. I grabbed an energy drink. On my walk home I saw a park. I hadn't realized that park. I continued to walk home thinking about the park and sipping on the energy. I entered my house and took off my shoes. I walked to my room and started on my homework. Until my phone buzzed.

Tohru :-:


Want to have a sleepover on new year.


Yes. I would love to.


Great see you :)

I put my phone back and finished my homework. I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. I looked in the mirror and saw that only my leg wounds have healed. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were still bleeding. I wrapped where my body needed to be wrapped. I walked to my room and fell asleep.


I was walking to Tohru's house. My last week had been normal. I was just at the gym again. I had my arms,hands, and torso wrapped. I had also had makeup on to cover the black eye. None of my I got to her house and knocked on the door. It opened up to be Yuki.

"Good afternoon Yuki" I told him.

"Good afternoon to you too Y/N" he responded with. He opened the door and gestured for me to come in. I walked to the living room.

"Tohru" I asked/ called out. I hear footsteps. I turn and see tohru. She ran up and hugged me. I hissed a little from the pain but hugged her back.

"You're here" she told me. I nodded and laughed a little bit. The boys all said goodbye and left. They were hesitant but did leave.

"Tohru you want to cry and listen to holiday music." I asked her. She nodded her head. I went to the fridge and grabbed ice cream. I walked back into the living room. She had the paraded playing. I sat down next to her and she started to cry. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I rubbed her back. We sat like this for about thirty minutes until I heard the door open. I got up into a fighting stance. The door opened and I threw a punch. My hand got blocked by Yuki.

"Geez you scared me" I told them, breathing out. They let out a breath and collapsed. I let out a slight laugh.

"Are you guys ok." Tuhru asked.

"There fine, just tired. Want to make dinner and I can help these guys," I ask. She nods her head.

"You guys want help," I ask. All I hear is some grunts. I stand behind kyo and put my arms under his armpits and stand him up. I go over to him and stand over him since he is on his stomach. I put my hands under his armpits and picked him up.

"You guys are pretty light" I tell them.

"Or you're just scary strong," Kyo angrily told me.

"So i'm stronger than you," I asked innocently. He shakes his head no and then challenges me to an arm wrestling match. I won. After a few minutes of bickering Tohru comes out with the food. We all eat the food and watch the parades. Tohru cries a few times but I and the boys comfort her.

My Zodiac Lover {Yuki Sohma x reader}Where stories live. Discover now