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Sam: What are you reading?
Chaeyoung: a book of all the things I hate
Sam: ahhh that's a photo album of me
Chaeyoung: oh...what a coincidence...


Yena: *ordering cake over the phone*
Shop Employee: and what would you like your cake to say?
Yena, covering the phone to look at the members: do we want a talking cake?


Yena: one time, I kicked a rock because I thought it was a bowling ball.
Minji: why would you kick a bowling ball?
Yena: I didn't, I kicked a rock.
Minji: ....


Sam: could you not stand so close? you're making me claustrophobic.
Yena: what does 'claustrophobic' mean?
Minji: It means she's afraid of Santa Claus.
Sam: no it doesn't!
Yena: ho ho ho!
Minji: stop it, yena! you're scaring her!


Chaeyoung: *enters the dorm*
Minji: did you go on a date again? with that doctor?
Chaeyoung: yeah.
Minji: why? you said you didn't like him.
Chaeyoung: a doctor a day keeps the apples away.


Yena: *hits her hand on a table*
Yena: ow! my armkle!
Chaeyoung: your what??
Minji: her wrist.


Minji: the first time I met chaeyoung, she gave me two dollars. It wasn't necessary and nobody asked, but she still did it.
Chaeyoung: I thought she was homeless..


Sam: Okay, we'll start cooking lessons today.
Yena: I don't know what happened but I already burned the water.
Sam: ...


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