Chapter 7: Battle

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Do you like my new cover?



Now, I look like a detective observing the two. When Yu Yan suddenly poke my head.

"Yah, don't be too obvious. There are cameras everywhere." she said, I pouted at her.

"Alright, today we will be giving your new ratings from your recordings of the individual themesong assessment." PD Kun said.

All of the trainees fix their postures and starts to listen attentively to him. My anxiousness vanish but I still felt nervous.

"May I see all the trainees who are in A class based on the first evaluation performance?" PD Kun asks.

I see how the past A class trainees raise their hands.

PD Kun nodded.

"Now, may I see from those trainees who believe they can go back to A class?" PD Kun asks.

Now, I see Kiki, Yuxin and Xi ai still raising their hands.

Yes, be confident guys.

PD Kun nodded and signaled them so that they can put their hands down.

In a matter of half an hour, trainees after trainees have to deal with their new ratings. Some stayed at their current ranks, some were promoted and unfortunately, some were given a low ratings. 

I can feel the tension rising in the hall. Some are muffling their cries while some are having their relieved faces. 

"Next, I will call on the trainees who you think isn't suitable for the themesong assessment." PD Kun announced.

He roam his eyes around first before saying, "You might think of three trainees that didn't suit this concept." he said.

I look at Yu Yan and she nodded at me, we think PD Kun is referring to the three girls we both have in mind.

"Lu Keran, Liu Yuxin and Lin Fan please come to the stage and get your new rating." He said.

Liu Yuxin, please be promoted to A class. I look at Yu Yan, she's biting her lip as she looks at Yuxin who is on the stage, bet she's also hoping that Yuxin can come back to our class.


I'am looking at the three girls in front of me, I sigh as I give Lin Fan and Lu Keran their result.

"Did you expect that result, Lu Keran?" I asks, she's one I'm rooting for and it seems like she expected this result.

She nod her head at me, "You should redeem yourself in the next assessment, alright?" I said.

She attentively give me a nod before I let the two of them go to their designated places.

Next, Liu Yuxin's rating.

I'm now suppresing my smile, I kind of want to tease her and make her nervous.

First, I stared at her and I noticed how she starts to fiddle with her fingers. She always do that everytime she feels nervous or anxious.

Facing the trainees, "Next, Liu Yuxin." I said. I hand her the card that reveals her rating.

At first, I'm slightly worried about her not being able to adapt herself into the song but she once again blew me away on how versatile she is.

She didn't just perform the song in the concept provided but she managed to brought out her own style into the song as what Lisa said in our meeting.

That's actually one of the traits a good performer must have. To be able to adapt to a concept is great but to be able to merge your own concept to a different one is greater.

She anxiously get her results in my hand, I'm wishing she will accidentally touch my hand but unfortunately, it didn't happen.

She gently open the card, her reaction is still calm upon knowing she's back to A class. She just nodded her head and starts to close the card.

She slowly walk towards the trainees, "Come' on Liu Yuxin, come back here." I hear Anqi said.

Yu Yan is also calmly waiting for Yuxin to go to the A class trainees. Seems like this roommates became close already, I hope they take care of Yuxin because that girl is quite careless to herself.

That's why I brought them vitamins, I just can't help it.

In a second, Yuxin go to the A class.

The other trainees cheered, I also see Xueer and Kiki clapping from the B class. Yuxin have such nice relationship to other trainees.

I smiled at myself seeing how happy they are.

After that, I announced the trainees who stayed at the A class and those who are promoted to A class. Xi ai also came back from the A class in which I saw Yuxin, Yu Yan and Anqi clapping.

The current A class is filled with talents. Theia, Bunny, Ma Shujun which I'm quite jealous of because I saw how Yuxin hugged her. There's also Shaking, Yu Yan, Yuxin, Xi Ai, Anqi and Sharon Wang.

I first heaved a sigh before announcing, "Next, we will be picking a deserving center for the themesong." I said.

The trainees gasps, I stared at the A class trainees and I noticed how some of them flinched, "The current A class trainees are the candidates to claim the center position." I said.

I now eyed the other class of trainees, "All of the trainees from B to F have the rights to vote for the one they think is deserving to have the center position." the other trainees cheered.

After announcing that the A class have thirty minutes to think about what will they present to the trainees with a chosen part of the song, they began to gather their thoughts in the training room.

After thirty minutes, the A class trainees come back and their shirts are now changed in pink, the color of the A class.

Trainee after trainee performed to the song and so far, I have Xi Ai, Yu Yan and Anqi to my pick but when Yuxin came, everyone is blown away.

I gasps, seeing how she use her popping skills to claim the center position and still being stable when singing.

"Wooohhhh, LIU YUXIN!!!" I heard the trainees going wild behind me.

Shaking is loosing her mind and Kiki with Xueer seems like their too shocked to absorbed Yuxin's charisma.

I smiled at myself, she's really something else.

"I will vote for her." I heard Lu Keran said.

Yes, pick her.


The stage become heated everytime she's on it.

Then, she acted cute.

She acted cute.

She fucking acted cute.

In front of me.

I keep my face blank, I have to calm down.

She's fucking cute.

The crowd cheered louder, some are jumping at her sudden gesture.

She'll win.

After the performance of the candidates, all the trainees began to vote.

The staff began counting the stickers on their back, after a total of fifteen minutes.

A card was handed to me.

I let out a breath as I announced,

"The center of the themesong will be...

Liu Yuxin."

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