Chapter Two - She's Thunderstorms

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Chapter 2 – She’s Thunderstorms

A few days later we all arrived to the arena, earlier the same day we had been there to rehearse. We greeted some fans outside, signed autographs and took pictures. Then we walked to the dressing room and got ready. I changed quickly and sat down on a chair. I kept shaking my leg and in my mind I planned what to say to her.

I smiled to myself when I thought about her. Her eyes, her red little mouth, her short but long legs and curved body. Perfection.

"What are you so nervous about?" Liam asked.

"And why on earth are you smiling like an idiot just like you did a few days ago when we came back from that coffee shop. I knew you met someone there, I could tell!" Louis saw right through me, always.

"It's no one." I said but my smile gave me away.

"Harry has a crush! Harry has a crush!" Zayn went on and on teasing me. Why were they acting like we were 5 year olds who had a little crush?

"Oh, I bet you invited her tonight!" Louis said.

"There is no girl and no invite!" I lied.

"Sure, sure, you can tell us whenever you are ready then." Liam said and calmed the other boys down, thank you Liam! I didn't want them to know that I actually had a crush the way a 5 year old has and that this was me inviting her to my birthday party, hoping that she would show up.

"Whatever, I'm going for a little walk." I said and left the dressing room. I went through the corridors and stopped next to the stage. I hid behind a big speaker in the very back of the stage; no one could see me here.

I peaked over to the audience that was filling up; the lights were still on so it was easy to the faces. The tickets I gave her were somewhere on the first or second row right by the stage. My eyes looked at every girl. Not her. Not her. Not her. Oh, there's that other Chick, B-something! And next to her?! Not Sami? There was another girl there sitting chatting with the Starbuck-girl.

Sami gave her ticket away?

I felt like falling to my knees, rejection hurts! I just backed away from the stage slowly. How was I going to find her? London is a big town and I wasn't the one driving so I don't even remember where that Starbucks was situated…

My mood had just dropped and it would take a lot for me to be able to enjoy the concert. But I would, the concert were going to cheer me up!

I met Louis when I walked down the corridor again.

"Why the long face, haz-bear?" He said. "Your girl didn't show up?"

"There is no girl and I don't really want to talk about it!" I said sounding pretty upset without realizing how much I wanted this girl to show up.

"Okay but you need a Horan-hug." He said and placed his arm around my shoulders. Then he lead me trough the corridor and back to the dressing room where only Niall was to be found.

"Niall, work your magic. Haz is sad, says he don't want to talk about it." Louis said and a fainted smile played on my lips. Niall came over to me and pulled me in for a huge bear hug.

"Don't worry about it Harry, just go out and enjoy the concert it's going to be great! Whatever you deal with it can wait until after the concert. Right now you have a moment to enjoy yourself." He said.

The boys made it sounded like my parents were getting a divorce or something like that. Did I really look that sad? She was just a girl. Lie. She wasn't just any girl - She's special.

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