Chapter Five - Yellow

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Chapter 5 – Yellow

I picked her up for the Coldplay-concert and we drove to the arena. We had seats high up on the side so we had a good view over the stage. Coldplay rocked as always and both Sami and I had a really nice fun time. Afterwards I took her on a friendly dinner and when I was going to drop her off she invited me inside! I didn’t even have to beg. I really wanted to hang out with her more since we were leaving for a promotion tour the next day.

Once we got up through the scabby staircase, since the house didn’t have an elevator, she opened up her door. My first thought was, ‘this is small’. But I understood. Finding a good place in London for a decent price when being a poor student is really hard. I was supposed to be one myself but then things went a bit different and now here I was with much more money then I needed.

It was basically just one room. In the room was just a bed and on the other side there was a small kitchen. A little sound caught my attention, it sounded like a cat…

Then I felt something against my leg and indeed there was a cat.

“You’ve got a cat?!” I asked because she never had mentioned it.

“Yeah, his name is Harry and he was named long before you came in to my life so don’t give me that cheeky smile of yours.” She half laughed as she picked up the cat. I couldn’t help but giving her my cheeky smile.

“Hello Harry-baby.” I said and took the cat from her arms. I took the freedom to lie down on her bed with Harry on my belly. I petted him while he purred.

“He really likes me,” I said, Sami lie down next to me on the bed.

“You’re staying the night right? I’m not going to get rid of you?”

“No way, I’m leaving for that little tour tomorrow so it would be nice if we could hang out while we can. After all we’re only friends when it suits us.”

“You’re a weird lad Harold.” She laughed.

“Are you always going to call me Harold?”

“Yes,” she answered with a funny smile. I chuckled.

“Then, I’ll call you Samantha all the time too.”

“Oh no!” She playfully hit me on the arm. “So what do you want to do?”

“I would love to ask you about all those beautiful vinyl’s you got in this room but I’m too tired to get out of here and Harry will be sad if I leave him.”

“It’s just records I’ve gathered to my collection during my life.”

“Cool,” I said.

“You’ve got a lot of tattoos, Harold.” She said pointing to my arms.

“Yeah, I think I’ve got 30 soon.”

“Wow, they’re awesome by the way! I like those small ones, I only got four but I want more

but I can’t afford right now.”

“That’s too bad.”

“On top of all I’ve lost my iPod! I don’t know how I could loose it!”

“You can have mine,” I said pulling it up from my trousers.

“Harold you can’t give me your iPod!”

“Of course I can, I’m doing it right now. I can buy a new one, it doesn’t matter.” I said throwing it at her. I had filled it with music I knew she liked and maybe would make her like me a bit more if she thought I listened to all of it all the time.

“Thank you Harold, you don’t need to give me things like this.” She looked straight into my eyes and I lost track of my steady heart-beats.

“You can’t live without an iPod!” I stammered; she was making me so nervous every time she was this close to me.

“Alright, we can watch a movie, but we have to watch it on my laptop because I don’t own a TV.”

“It’s alright.” I said. We ended up lying on our bellies watching ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’.

“Now you got three Harry’s in the same room, Samantha. Such a naughty girl!” I joked and she hit me on the arm again but laughed.

It was already late when we got back from the pub and restaurant so we soon decided to sleep instead. I wanted to snuggle up to her under the blankets but I had respect. I wasn’t going to touch her like that until she wanted me to. Friends were unfortunately never that close to each-other.

But when I woke up, I was a lot closer to her than when I fell asleep. Not too close though – I just had my arm around her in a loose grip. Slowly I removed it and hoped that she wasn’t going to wake up. I lay down on my side again because I felt really tired so I thought I could probably sleep a few more hours.

But I didn’t fall asleep so I decided to be nice and make us breakfast. I climbed out of bed and pulled on my trousers that were lying on the floor. I kept my shirt off though. Now when she already was my friend the second stage had begun, this was the moment when I was going to seduce her. I had no idea how I was going to do it but I might as well start by going around shirtless.

I looked through her kitchen and it was mostly empty but I found some pancakes-mix so I started to make some. Soon I saw her waking up and she looked grumpy, I guess someone had a bad morning mood.

“Good-morning friend.” I said but I didn’t receive an answer. She collected a few items and went inside the bathroom to change.

I finished the first two pancakes and put them on a plate. Sami soon got out of the bathroom and sat down by the counter which was her kitchen table.

“Wow, aren’t you a big chef Harold!” she said smiling. “I’m starving, thank you!” I gave her the plate with the pancakes on. I finished a few of my own and sat down next to her.

“I had a lovely time with you yesterday Samantha.” I said while giving her a cheeky smile. “Thank you for inviting me here too.”

“No problem, Harold.” She smiled back. We finished our meal and then I had to go home because we leaving for Spain in just a few hours.

“Thanks again, I’ve had a blast.” I said when we stood by the door. What I really wanted to thank her for was that she gave me a chance. It meant a lot to spend time with her, I loved every minute I could see her face.

“Thank you for inviting me to the concert, I loved it!”

“No problem, I can take you some time again. And when I come back I’ll take you to meet the boys! They’re wondering who you are. I know you don’t like our music but their personalities you’ll love.”

“That’s sounds great!” She smiled and I gave her a hug. “Have fun on your little tour-thingy!”

“Have fun here in London, stay safe!” I said.

“I’ll try…” she hesitated so much saying that, it made me worried.

“If you need anything, anything at all, just call me. I’m your friend and I’ll help you.” I said and after giving her a kiss on the cheek I went out through the door.

I'm Going To Steal Her iPod (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now