Chapter Four - Lighting Bolt

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CHAPTER 4 – Lighting Bolt

Sami finished her shift and after she grabbed her jacket I showed her to my car.

“Fancy car dude.” She said laughing with big eyes. “It’s bigger then my apartment!”

“You’re living alone or with someone?” I asked.

“By myself, I get really lonely sometimes but I can’t help that things happened the way they did.” What happened? I wanted to ask her but I mean we only known each-other for a few hours and I didn’t want to move to quickly forward. Instead I said nothing for a while. Sami gave me directions but other than that we stayed silent. I didn’t know what to say, I was nervous around her. It wasn’t far to her place and we were soon there.

“I’ve heard there’s a Jake Bugg gig at a local pub on Friday, do you want to go with me?” I said before she got out of the car.

“Are you asking me out?”

“Of course not. I was asking you if you wanted to hang around at a pub on Friday to watch a really good musician.”

“Okay, alright. When will you pick me up?” She smiled.

“8 pm?”

“Okay, see you then. Bye Harold.” I laughed at her calling me by my full first name.

“Take care, Samantha, stay safe.” I said and I really meant it. This wasn’t the worst neighbourhood in town but it was far from the best. I was worried by the fact that she was a girl living alone here and being out by herself every night.

- - -

It was 6:30 pm the next weekend. I always threw on whatever I found so why was I trying so damn hard now? I put on shirt after shirt but I always found something wrong with it. I ended up wearing the shirt I put on first and then I drove to her apartment. She was waiting outside.

She was wearing dark-red trousers and her blue jacket. She had her beanie over her hair and big scarf since it was really cold outside. I left my car there and we walked to the pub because it was actually really close and it was faster then to drive.

“Hello Harold.” She smiled when I stepped out.

“Hello babe.” I said and gave her a quick, awkward hug. “You look nice.”

“And you’re sure you’re not flirting with me?” She chuckled as we started to walk.

“Still positive, I’m just a really nice guy and you look really good so I’m just telling you that in case you doubted that.” I smiled at her but she was looking forward.

“Isn’t it hard to believe that Jake Bugg is only 18?!” I asked her, I was actually shocked when I read that.

“He is? I didn’t know. I barely know what he looks like but his voice and music is very mature for an eighteen-year old. Even I am older than him!” She said.

“How old are you?”

“I’m turning 20 in January, how about you?” An older woman, cool! // just kidding :) //

“19 in February,” I answered.

“Alright, I though you were 15.”

“You did?!” I almost yelled in shock.

“Hahaha, no, I didn’t!” She laughed.

“Good,” I said.

Soon we were at the pub, we left or jackets by the door and went inside. We went up to the bar.

“Two beers.” I said but Sami shook her head.

“No thanks, I don’t drink.” She said with an excusing smile.

“Not at all?”  

“No, ehm, my parents are alcoholics so…” she explained looking down. Maybe that’s where her trust-issues come from and that’s why she also is so determined to be successful.

“It’s alright, I understand. I don’t really drink either just beer here and there sometimes.” I said as we walked over to a table.

Jake started singing a few songs while Sami and I both enjoyed the music and talked. We really had a great time and Jake Bugg was amazing, he totally smashed his song Lightning Bolt. Then a slow song started and I looked over at Sami. It was one of those moments when you can stare at a girl for a long time and she doesn’t even notice.

She looked in love, not in love with the musician himself but with the song. She looked so peaceful in a way, more relaxed then I’d ever seen her. Just looking at her I could feel what she felt, that every nerve in her body relaxed and focused on the song. Her bare arms had goose bumps all over and mine was filling with them too since the music was so relaxing and so damn good. I felt like dancing, I wanted to grab Sami in a slow-dance but I stopped myself. That would not be good. If I would do that I would get all caught up in the moment and end up kissing her. Kissing her after we’ve known each-other for 2 days and after I promised her I didn’t flirt with her, would not make my odds better.

One thing I knew for sure, sitting there and looking at her, I knew I was in love. With her and only her.

When Jake sung his last song, we actually got to talk to him for a little while before he had to leave. We walked back to her apartment as well. Sami was really excited; she was bouncing of joy and talked about a million things on the way. It wasn’t the annoying kind of talking; I liked to listen to Sami because she always had interesting things to say. I enjoyed every second in her company.

“I know we can hang out like normal friends do but I actually got tickets to a Coldplay concert tomorrow. I’m leaving the day after tomorrow so it would be nice to hang out with you again before I leave. Do you want to see Coldplay?” I was just trying to impress her with our similar music-taste.

“It sounds really nice, I’d love to see them! Thank you for tonight Harold! I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She smiled her lovely smile.

“Yes, I’ll text you the details; you’ve got my number so send me a text will you?”


With a kiss on the cheek and a hug she went in to her house again and I went to the car. I only had one beer so I could drive. Day one was complete and it had gone really good.

When I got home to my place I sat down and wrote a really bad poem about Sami. I should be pretty good at writing poems since I wrote songs with the lads all the time but this was really bad. 

// Lightning Bolt - Jake Bugg

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