Chapter Eleven - Sweet Disposition

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Chapter 11 – Sweet Disposition (The Temper Trap)

“Harold, you little lad, wake up!” Someone yelled and I put a pillow over my head and growled.

“What is it?”

“Want to come shopping with me? My phone kinda broke down…” Sami explained.

“Will you let me buy you an iPhone now?”

“Sure, whatever you want!” Wow, she seemed to be in a good mood today. She usually never accepted money from me, except she let me pay most of the rent.

“Cool,” I said and jumped up. “But hey, wait! Are we really spending my last day at home, going out buying a new phone?”

“It’ll take a few minutes. Plus, we can stop and some subway for breakfast, I know you love it. I also need to go by Louis and Eleanor. I like Louis so I want to say see him before he leaves.”

“Alright,” I said and didn’t realize that she actually had me wrapped around her finger. Normally I would never ever spend a day out before I was leaving. This was the last time for a long while that I could sit home and watch TV in my boxers. I wanted my freedom before it was stolen away from me.

We bought a new phone for Sami, ate breakfast and then spend many, many hours at Louis’.

It was late afternoon once we got back home. We decided to just watch TV for the rest of the night.  

“Got all your clothes in the laundry again Harold?” Sami asked, referring to that I were only wearing boxers.

“You know I like to feel free,” I said laughing.

We watched under silence until I got bored since the movie we had one was really lame.    

“How about a food-fight Sami?" I asked and looked at her.

"Where did that come from?!" She laughed, looking back at me. 

"This movie sucks so lets have a food-fight!”

"Are we wasting food by throwing it at each-other?" 

"Come on." I said pulling her up from the sofa and in to the kitchen. "Rule one; the only rule is that we stay inside the kitchen only." I closed the door behind us and made my way towards the fridge. 

"How do you start a food-fight when it's freaking planned?" 

"We just start." I said picking out a bowl of some leftovers in the fridge. 

I went past Sami and she looked chocked as I didn't throw it at her. Instead I turned the lights of by the door. Since the kitchen was a small room without any windows it now was completely dark. 

"Harold?!" She yelled. 

"What Samantha?" I smirked without that she could see it and quietly stepped towards her. 

"Why did you..." I poured the food from the bowl onto her face and she abruptly stopped talking. 

"That was just gross!" she complained.

"Oh stop it; it probably didn't even get stuck in your hair." I whispered in her ear and I could feel her shiver. My mission was now to take my roll as the seducer back.

"No probably not." She said sarcastically. I heard her move away from me. Suddenly I was completely covered in something I believe was flour. Now the fight was full on. We threw everything we could find on each-other. I hid in the fridge while Sami attempted to throw things at me. I took a whole can of milk and threw the content at her, she screamed because it was cold and in the light of the fridge I could see that she stopped for a while.

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