1. Cooking and confession

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"Y/N L/N I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Kirishima yelled and stood on the cafeteria table occupied by his friends, trying his best not to knock over any trays or drinks. He lifted up his arm holding his phone tightly in his hand cueing an instrumental love song and singing the lyrics terribly.

While all of this unfolded everyone in the cafeteria snickered and 'ooed' at his public confession. Y/n on the other hand covered her face in her palms while Mina rubbed her back in comfort. This was an everyday thing actually, he would always find a different way to 'confess' to her. To say the least it was extremely embarrassing to y/n considering she always declined and he would still cause a scene everyday. If there was one thing she had learned about the red head was that he was very persistent, and had no shame in his actions. It was admirable, or at least it would be if she didn't also find it humiliating. Today she was over his outburst and got up on the table and grabbed the collar of his uniform shirt, pulling him off of the table and out into the hallway.

"what the hell! Do you know how embarrassing that was Kiri" y/n hissed through gritted teeth as she tightly held onto his tie bringing him down to her eye level.

"I know...but it was worth it" he mumbled feeling a little guilty about putting her into yet another uncomfortable yet necessary situation.

"It wasn't worth it! It'll never be worth it, every time I reject you, you somehow find a new way to shut it down. Kiri I want to be your friend and ONLY your friend" she let go of his tie and he straightened himself before following her back into the cafeteria, despite her annoyance he would just call it a day and come up with a new plan to make her fall for him tomorrow. You see, he was reckless but he had a goal in mind.


Confessions and cooking

"Ugh! He has got to stop, I swear it's like every time he does something like that I just lose more of my patience" y/n groaned and then yelped when the pink haired girl tugged on her hair as she brushed it.

"You know he just really likes you, take it easy on him...all done!" Y/n turned around to face Mina and sighed dramatically.

"I really don't want to hurt his feelings or anything but it's just getting out of hand"  she flopped down face first on her bed and groaned, Mina rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You know, I think you and Kiri would make a really cute couple if you gave him a chance"

"No way" y/n mumbled into her covers flipping over so that she was now laying on her back. Maybe she could've given Kiri a chance if the event that took place 2 years prior hadn't happened. But then again if her last boyfriend had still been alive today, kirishima wouldn't be able to even ask her out. Let alone 22 times. she just wasn't ready, she couldn't get attached to someone just to lose them like she had lost him.

"Y/n?" A small voice spoke from outside of her door, and slowly it cracked open revealing her younger brother, Akira, on the other side.


"Some weird guy is at the door for you" he pointed downstairs and she furrowed her brows in confusion, Mina tagged along for safety purposes while her brother watched them from the top of the stairs.

"Of course" she sighed opening the door to reveal none other than the bubbly red head himself. Kirishima.

"Y/n! And Mina I TOTALLY didn't know you'd be here" he grinned lying through his teeth.

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